Just a routine

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"Y/N!" Seán yells from the other room. I sluggishly get up and shake my hair, I get chills as I'm only wearing a tank top and shorts. I stand up and walk over to my bestfriend Sean's room "I knowww!" I yell to him from the door. He still is in his bed and I laugh "Your yelling at me when you haven't even gotten up yourself!" I laugh and jump on the bed and annoy him "Ah fine! Get off you asshole!" He jokes and laughs. I smile brightly "You know you love me" I smile, he nods "Yeah yeah.." his sweet Irish accent showing through. I've had a crush on him for the longest time...but...he's my best friend, and I love our relationship. I don't want to tell him and him not feel the same way and run from me... "We gotta goo!! Get off Y/N!!!" Seán tried to push me off and I get up "Fine, but your making breakfast" he huffs "I always make breakfast" he whines playfully "Too bad! Sucks to suck!" I joke and punch him playfully in the arm. I get out of his room and he closes the door, I smile ~He's gonna change, usual routine~ I think to myself. I go into my room and pull out some black skinny jeans and a big hoodie, I take my glasses from my nightstand and put them on my face. I brush my hair and put it in my regular ponytail. I look around "Should probably clean...." I say out loud and laugh "Like I clean, Seán does it for me" I smile brightly and brush my teeth. Seán knocks on the door "Come in!" I yell to him.  He slowly opens the door and hops on my bed and lays down, he was wearing some skinny jeans and a cute, black T-Shirt, he looked really cute to be honest "I've never seen your hair different! You always wear your hair in a ponytail!" He complains for the millionth time. I scoff "And you always have this conversation with me and remember that-..." he cuts me off and finishes my sentence "It's my style and you can't force me to be what I don't want because then I'll beat your ass up I know I know" I smile "That's right" He and I laugh "But I'm just saying, try something new, you might look hot as all hell and not even know it" he shrugs and smiles. My cheeks get a little hot "Yeah, guess I'll never know how sexy I look" I joke and we laugh again "Seán go make breakfast you doof" I say softly, still in the shower fixing my ponytail. Seán gets up from the bed and sluggishly walks towards the kitchen "Fineeee!! Your lucky it's Saturday and we don't have work" he laughs. "Ew don't remind me of that, I thought working at GameStop would be more fun...it's just filled with perverts and guys flirting with you" Seán laughs "Hey not my fault they flirt with me! Guess they found out I was pan huh?" He laughs sweetly, I smile and listen to it as it fades away into the kitchen ~ I just want a little more than what we have...just...I want more of him, if that makes sense. Of course it doesn't Y/N! Ok thanks for exposing yourself, your welcome~ I laugh at myself having these conversations with myself "Part of the routine" I shake my head and finish up. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and see Seán, cutely cooking up some eggs and pancakes "Damn! It smells good in here" Seán smirks lightly "I don't know if your talking about me or the food" he laughs and I giggle at his remark "Your such a dork!" I joke and smiles. Seán turns to me "But you love meeee" I blush "Yeah Yeah..." I shoot back "Hey a best friend shouldn't be sarcastic" he says softly, I smile and laugh "That's exactly what a best friend is suppose to do!!" Seán laughs "Oh ye" his Irish accent being thick, and oddly seducing, I shake the thought from my head and smile. I put my head on his shoulder, trying to grab some bacon, he shrugs me off "Ye gotta wait you dingus" he smile and tosses a bacon up and I catch it with my mouth "Yes!!" I eat the bacon and saliva comes running to my mouth, a little comes out in the side of my mouth and Sean chuckles "Is it that good?" He says as he wipes my mouth, I blush and nod "Hell Yeah! Your a great cook dude!" Seán blushes and smiles "Thanks, glad you like it...dude..." he laughs a little. He knows it's a bad habit I have, I try not to say it...or yo or anything like that. He understands too, he also has bad habits, like,leaving the lights on, sleep waking and laying next to me at night...just..imperfections we have..I think his are cute though, I love them. He finishes making breakfast and serves them both. He sits on the table and I sit across, we sit and chat, make jokes and of course laugh out asses off like the best friends we are. Of course, he was only my guy best friend, I had a girl best friend too! Duh....her name is Danica, she is sweet, kind, generous,funny, and all around amazing. Seán is just...he's just perfect, of course Danica knows about me liking Seán so it's no surprise she helps me with dating advice. Anyways, we finish breakfast and we just chill on the couch and watch some anime for a while....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey! The writer here! Just wanted to say that I will say in each chapter of the pictures are mine that I have taken((like photographed))or are from the internet, if you have any questions, complaints, or requests please feel free to DM me and if you just wanna talk about the story tell me!

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