It was close

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Miles hugs her waist gently, they kiss for a little before Miles pulls away. He rests his head on hers and smiles "Didn't think you liked me that way" Danica blushed and takes his hands "Well I do...and now..your my boyfriend!" She smiles brightly. Miles chuckles and blushes a bit "I guess I am" Seán snores softly, as you continue to sing. You stop and smile, he slowly opens his eyes and looks up at you "Where's the angel?" He says half awake "Dude that was me" he sits up, fully awake "W-Wait that singing was you?" You smile and blush, you nod softly "Y/N that was gorgeous!" He smiles and lays his head on your lap. He curls us and closes his eyes "Please continue.." you blush madly and nod "Ok hun" you smile and start to sing. Seán looks at you ~hun?~ he blushes madly and closes his eyes again. He starts to drift asleep as you play with his hair. He purrs softly and falls asleep. You holds him close, you rest your head on his and closes your eyes. You start to hum and you both sway to the rhythm. He purrs louder as you run your fingers through his hair. You smile to yourself ~he's adorable~ you think. You watch him as he sleeps sound fully. You lean in and kisses his lips quickly and pull back. You look up at the ceiling and your smile grows rapidly ~Holy hell I did that!~ you squeak and squirm. He slowly starts to wake up. He opens his eyes and looks into yours, you melt as he pears right into your soul. He looks away and looks outside "Oh wow, Y/N look outside!" Seán sits up and gets out of the car. He climbs up on it and sits down. He stares at the sunset. You nod and get off. You get on with him "Hey come closer, there's not a lot of room" he gestured you on his lap. You scramble and hop up, he pulls you on him and he holds you close "Don't fall now" he chuckles as you giggle sheepishly with him. You look out, your eyes in a trance. You forget everything around you, your problems, Seán, all of it...gone. You continue to look, eyes glued on the sunset. Seán watches you for a while. He rests his head on your shoulder "It's beautiful isn't it?" You smile. Seán nods, "It really is" he smiles ~Not as beautiful as you~ he looks at you and thinks this. Your eyes stay in the same trance, the sun disappears and the moon comes in sight. Your trance fades as you look around. You look over at Seán ~Holy hell im still on his lap!~ he freak out a little and smile "Sup" you say cutely. Seán laughs "You fricking weirdo, I love you dude" he pushes you softly as you laugh. Seán lays back on your lap and starts to drift asleep. You sing as he smiles "It's really beautiful Y/N..." he says sleepily. He falls into deep sleep. You check to see if he's awake, he's not. You lean down and kisses him slowly, you stop and rest your lips on his. You smile as you pulls back up. Leaning back, you look up at the stars ~ that's beautiful ~ you smile.
Danica lean on Miles, he puts an arm over her and brings her in. She smiles and looks down "Hey Danica? Why did you want us to come out of the car alone? Only to kiss me or...was there another reason.." his brown eyes tearing st Danica. She tries her hardest but gives in... "well I don't k is if you see the tensions between Seán and Y/N..." Miles laughs "Oh they definitely love each other" he laughs more. Danica giggles and smiles "That's what I'm thinking! But you can't tell them...we can't be biting into their love lives" Miles nods "Hey that's pretty smart.." Danica smirks "Hah I know.." she jokes and Miles ruffles her hair "Ya weirdo, I love you Danica.." she jumps a little in surprise ~I-I didn't think he'd say it back that fast...~ "I love you too Mikes" she melts as the words sink into her, she looks at Miles and hugs him. He chuckles and hugs her back, he puts his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him. Danica squeaks and puts her arms around his neck. Miles rests his head on hers as they both close their eyes.
Seán snores abruptly and you look down at him, you run your fingers through his hair as he smiles and purrs softly. You giggle as he curls up more. Danica and Mikes start coming over, "Shhh, he's sleeping.." you let his hair more. Danica nods and nudged Miles, he nods back and hides a smirk "Hey Y/N we were wondering if you'd like to go to the arcade!" I nod quickly and smile, I shake Seán gently "Seán? Dude wake up..." he slowly dope s his eyes, "W-What?.." He turns to face me and hugs me, "Nooo..I don't wanna get up..." I chuncle and nudge him more "Seán! Please! We're going to the arcade" he pulls himself up and is face to face with me, our lips almost touching, I feel my face getting hot.. "Yeah you wanna come?" Danica saves us. Seán pulls back and nods "Yeah I'm down!" I smile and nod as well "Hell Yeah gamers! Let's go!"

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