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I cling onto Seán as he nuzzles me gently "Well, whatever you wanna tell me, you do so. But don't do anything your not comfortable with mkay?" I nods softly as his soft skin touches mine. I smile slightly and sighs. I lay my head on his lap and looks up at him. He sighs softly "We gotta work in an hour" "Ughhh!!" "I know but that's how we get paid love" I blush bit and nod "A-Alright" he plays with my hair and I laugh "We should get ready, then cuddles" I smile. He whines and huffs "Fineee!!" He puts me aside and gets up. He grabs some clothes and looks over at me "You gonna stay or you gonna leave?" I blush and stand up "I gotta change too and my clothes are in the other room" he nods, smirking softly. I start walking out of the room "Love you!" I smile and laugh "I love you too" I walk into my room and get dressed. I pull out my computer and start filling out a form..for..something. I finish and close the laptop. I get up and walk into Seán room, he's not done dressing... "Oh jeezus ye scared me" I laugh. He smiles and nods softly. I jump on the bed and lay down. He finishes dressing and lays down next to me. I blush and he spoons me gently. I blush more and he nuzzles my neck "Hey love guess what?" He looks at me and smiles "Yes?" I sit up,him still hugging me from behind "I'm..I'm applying to be am police officer" his eyes widen "What?! Oh my god you better be safe or I swear.." I laugh softly "Of course! I'm not dying for a looonngg time" I laugh nods. He smiles brightly and nuzzles me "Good, Because I need you here with me..." I blush and nods "I need you too, I need you so much" I kiss him softly and I feel his cheeks getting warmer "Aww blushy blushy!!" He giggles cutely and pulls away "Shuuuushh!!" I laugh a little more "Okay Okay, we gotta go to work babe" he nods and picks me up. He starts walking downstairs and out the door "Have your keys? Wallet?" He chuckles "Sweater, glasses..Yup!" I giggle and nods. He carries me into the car and puts me in. He walks to the drivers side and closes the door. He smiles and looks down "Hm?" I look over at him and he smiles more " Nothing...." I shrug and lay back. I put my hood on and falls asleep. Next thing I know we are at the GameStop. I smile as he helps me out of the car. We walk together in the shop and starts working our shift. Nerding our and doing what they have always done. A little ping is heard. I take out my phone and squeak "OH MY GOD I AM ACCEPTED!" He smiles and hugs me tightly "And since we only work weekends, I can still work with you! I work during the day and I come him about, 3 pm and in here!" I smile brightly. He holds me tight "I'm so happy for you!!!" I nod quickly and we go on with our day. Monday rolls around and I wake up before Seán. I get in my police uniform, tight and slim. I runs downstairs and make breakfast. I put a plate out for Seán and run upstairs. I lay on top of him and he huffs "Morning love" he says in a deep, husky but soothing voice. I blush and nuzzle him "Love the morning voice" he smiles cutely and chuckles "Glad you do...lemme see the uniform love" I nods excitedly as I get off his chest. I stand up and clean myself off. Seán looks at me his eyes full of love and lust "Woah..that's sexy.I MEAN!" He blushes madly as I laugh "Is it now?" I tease. He nods sheepishly as I come close and kiss his cheek. He blushes more and I laugh a bit softer "That's cute!" He huffs and crosses his arms "whateverrr" he cracks a smile and we both sit down "Well i gotta leave in ten so lemme make breakfast okay?" He nods as I get I and walk to the kitchen. The stairs screech as my feet slam quickly against them. Pulling out pans, they make their way to the stove. I start making breakfast and I'm about five minutes I finish. I get a plate ready for Seán and I walk carefully upstairs. My feet make a soft thumping sound. The door was already open so I walk in. Seán looks up at me and smiles big "Fooodd!! I love you so much!" He takes the plate and eats carefully. I sit and watch him, adorable as ever and I can't help but laugh "Are you laughing at me?" He says, his mouth filled with food. I ruffles his hair "No love I'm not, it's just funny how your so cute" he blushes and shakes his head "I'm not cuuuttee!" "Fine then your hot" his face gets more pink "Nuuu!" "Hmm..then sexy" he squeaks and laughs "Fine you think that Y/N" My phone goes off and I sigh "Time to go to work love" he whines and tugs on my arm as I get up to leave "Noooo stay!!" I smile softly "It won't be long love,only a couple hours" he smiles weakly, "Okay,Fine,whatever.." He falls back as I playfully push him. I stand up and walks over to him. I kiss him for a bit before pulling away "Bye Seán, I'll see you in a bit" he whines and groans "Damn, I wont get cuddles from you huh?" Shaking my head, I grab my stuff and start to head out. Seán stays along in his room as the pounding of stairs fades. Standing in front of the door a smile appears in  me face " In 6 hours you will! I love you, bye Seán!" Seán hears this from downstairs and laughs "I love you too! Bye! Oh!! And don't die!!" He yells as I laugh and kisses walk out. He gets out of bed and puts the plate where it belongs or if boredom he starts to clean. Meanwhile, I get in the car and start to drive to the police station. My eyes focus on the road, trying to forget the exhilaration and anxiety. It becomes to much so I turn up the volume and a smooth song comes out. Twenty minutes before I arrive, my stomach growls  "Shit! I forgot to eat!" I spot a nearby fast food restaurant and get breakfast. Driving and eating...was quite difficult. I finish up and put the wrappers in the cheap, brown paper bag. I pull up to the station and my anxiety comes back "God dammit not now!" I think as I pull myself out of the car and walk up to the station. Everyone stares at me...

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