Its not a big deal...

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"What's do you mean by that hm!~" Sean asks in an innocent tone. I roll my eyes and point down. He smirks and shrugs "I don't know what your talking about" I laugh as I get off the car. Still in my uniform, I run up to the house. Seam stares at me in awe, drooling. I walk in and step out "Seeaaann!! You can get a closer look if you walk fasterrr!" I tease. He bolts to the door as I step aside, not wanting to get hit by him. He slides on the floor and scrambles up. He cross his arms as he stands in front of me "Gimmee!" He reaches out for me and I smirk. I push him off with my finger and shake my finger "MmMm!" I shake my head as he whines "Pleassee!!" I sigh "I'll only do it...if you take off your hoodie need to stop wearing them love..I love it when your open and I can see all of you" he huffs and nods "F-Fine...but only because you look sexy in that uniform" "Damn right I do!" I joke. He nods "Good you know!!" I start laughing "Okay ye goof, Carry on" he nods and takes his hoodie off. His arms still normal looking. Lines tan across his arms. They were darker than his normal tone, which is natural for a scar. I look up at him and smile. Seán smiles weakly. I walk up to him and take his arms and traces over them gently. Feeling all the bumps and scratches. Seán winces and looks away "N-No..".I look up at him to assure him that it's okay "Keep your goodie off, I love seeing you more". His pale-ish cheeks turn rosy. He smiles sheepishly "Fine ye fetus" I laugh and shove him playfully. His eyes focus back on me, still in awe "I don't know why you're acting like this..but it's fun to watch!" Seán huffs "Fine I'll tell you, it's because you look hot and I want!" He comes closer, once again making grabby hands. My hands raise as he shakes his head "No! Remember the deal?!" Groaning I nods "Yes I remember" "Hah! Then give me!" I surrender and open my arms. He tackled me and pushes me ok the wall. He starts poking me all over. Laughing I start questioning "What the-.." he cuts me off "No no no! No questions. Just let me be" I Shrug

((Sexual warning. Lol get ready for cringe sks, and real Danica, I ruined your Christian self, I'll tell ye when it's done XDD and btw I'm not going hard...For now ;3))

He starts poking more, his fingers going into little spaces "Seán just-.." he cuts me off again "No no! Shushies!" He laughs and kisses me. I kiss softly ~God He is such a good kisser~ I think. He deepens the kiss drastically as I follow.  He takes all the air from me and I pull back and grab more air before going back in. He laughs softly "I can slow down love" A small smile appears in my face "Babe do what you please" I chuckle. He nods and pulls me closer, his hands wrapping around my waist ~He's good~ I think, my smile widening. He leads me to the bedroom, both of us making out. He pushes me to the wall, a little squeak escaping. He smiles and let's just say. It was a fun night with little sleep.

(Your good Danica they just had fun times XD)
The alarm blares at the two. Both Seán and I resting in my bedroom. Sleeping together, like, for reals now. The alarm fills my head with the irritating beep. Seán grunts "Begonnnne" He says, slurred. I ruffle his hair and kiss his head. Walking sleepily to the alarm I shut it off "Don't goooo please staaayyy" he whines. His voice cute but a little odd. "Okay one, you sound like a child, and two, I'll take a day off. I have a few" I smile at him. He raises his hands in the air and lowers them, cheering "Yesss!" He whisper yells. I smile softly and walk towards him. The carpet softening my already light steps. "Scooch over" "Fine Fine.." Seán willingly moves over. The sheets going with him. I lay down next to him "Seán go put pjs on, you were too lazy to last night..Go on" I laugh "Noooo but I'm comfortabllee! Pweaasssee!" I cross my arms "Fine no cuddles and kisses then" he the. Bolts up and runs to his closet in the other room "Hah, works every time" it's been a while now that we're together. Interesting...heh. Seán runs in with his pjs...Just shorts. "Welp good enough" I shrug "Hey don't judge my pjs" He jokes "I know I know" I say teasingly. He sits next to me "Now I'm not sleepy" he huffs "Not. My. Problem ocean man" he smirks and stands up "Ocean man, take me by the hand lead me to the laaanndd that you understand" he starts to sing and dance as he does so "Oh my god" I start cracking up, his dance weird but oddly attractive. (It's up there gamers ^^ ) "HEEHEE!" Seán laughs, his hips swaying. I smile and blush a little. I get impatient and make grabby hands "Give me dat ass" I laugh madly. He cracks up. Smirking I cross my arms "I'll smack ye!" Seán makes a finger gun "I won't hesitate bitch" he quoted a vine, ah the way to my heart. "Okay ye fetus" I fume. He walks over to me and smiles "So you wanted dis ass?" He snickers. Reluctantly I answered "Yes. Yes I do" "Okie!" He giggles and tackles me. I fall back "OW YE ASSHOLE" "Ah! But you love me! Heehee" "Yeah whatever" I huffed. He grabs me and pulls me close "You know I love you right?" I laugh "Yes I do and so do I. But why the sudden burst of love hm?" He shrugged "Why not?" "Hm..I guess your right?" "Thanks I'm big smart" he sticks his tongue out and laughed

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