La Latina

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Seán and my eyes locked, I stood frozen, "I-I was grabbing an ibuprofen!" I quickly stutter out. Seán nods slowly and looks off, my eyes wander and get caught by his stomach ~Don't stare don't stare!~ I turn and glance and I stay paralyzed, ~Holy shit..~ his abs perfectly sculpted, his skin a perfect shade of white and tan. I try not to let my mouth tremble and I zone out. Seán walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder and cocks his head "Hey can I have some time alone to change?" He asks in a deep, husky voice. His Irish accent being thick and sexy, he does not mean for it to be this's his normal voice... "Y-Yeah sure, sorry.." I grab the bottle of pills and quickly head out, he closed the door gently behind me as I start to melt, my knees get weak and I slide down, sitting in the ground. I lay my head on the door to Sean's room and I smile big ~I-I...He's..perfect~ I melt more as the image of his eyes appear on my mind. I stagger up and make my way to the kitchen to grab some water. I pop the pill in my mouth and drink the water to wash it down. "Okay..time for a jog" I sigh and walk to my room. I put on a sports bra, a hoodie and some leggings. I walk outside as I see Seán on the couch, cutely dressed as always "Hey I'm going for a run ok?" Seán looks up at me as he blushes "Yeah yeah go ahead" he smiles sweetly and tries to move his attention elsewhere. I smile and nod as I start to walk out, I put my headphones on and start to jog outside. ~those eyes, those lips, that stomach, I-I can't...stop...he's your best friend, calm your shit. He probably doesn't like you~ I huff and sighs "Thanks voice inside my head for being so supportive" I accidentally say out loud. I look around and let a sigh of relief ~no one..whew~ I smile as I continue to jog. My mind always wandering back to Seán, never ending thoughts rush to my head, making me a little dizzy. I stop and rest "I have to, I have to go back" I huff as I sprint back around the neighborhood. I reach our house and knock on the door before opening it, Seán still stay in the couch, only difference is, he's crying "Holy shit Seán are you ok?" I yell as I run to him and tackle him with a hug, "Y-Yeah I'm fine...just watching A Dogs Purpose" I look over at TV and see the dog, I turn away, "Nope! Not gonna see it..I'll bawl me eyes out!" Seán chuckles as I wipe his tear off his face. He smiles and blushes a bit, I look around and see where I landed with the tackle...~I'm on his lap..Abort! Abort!~ I cooly get off and smile. "Hey I'm gonna make dinner if that's ok with you" Seán perks up "Oh? Yeah go ahead!" He says happily. I nod and walk to the kitchen, still able to see Seán, crying more, I shake my head as I chuckle softly. Seán heard me and pouts "Stop making fun of meeee it's saaaaddd!" He whines out. I laugh a little more "I know it's sad bab-.." I cut myself at the right time ~was I going to call him baby? Fuck!~ I shake my head in frustration as I continue to take out all the ingredients for the food I'm making. Seán suddenly jumps up and runs towards me "Holy shit since your Latina can you make Mexican food?!!" He says excitedly, he lips being softly and full ~don't kiss him don't kiss him!~ I think as I smile widely "Of course dude!" I start make my some Floútas and he watches from behind, I start singing a song quietly in Spanish and smile as the lyrics fill the room
"...Bailar contigo, vivir contigo, estar contigo la noche loca, Y besar tu boca" (( it means to dance with you, to live with you, to be with you in this crazy night, and makeout with you)) I sing as Seán comes up behind me and hugs me cutely "Hey what does that mean?" I blush crazily "U-Um better if I not say.." Seán hugs me more and sways me "Please! Just tell me dammit!" He shake me as I blush madly "J-Just google translate it!" "Well can you type that in?" "No.." Seán shakes me more as I melt in his hands, my head falls a little back and shakes when he shakes me "I gotta make dinner! I-I'll tell you later, maybe" Seán shakes his head and hops on the couch to finish his movie, I continue making food.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I really like this picture, I don't remember where I took it but the scene was beautiful. Oh and that song is from Bailando by Enrique Iglesias, I love that song, it gives me so much nostalgia from when I was little. I adore it. I recommend listening to it, there's an English version too I think! Ofc since I'm Hispanic I prefer the Spanish one XD

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