Love Is Hard

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Seán and I get home and he pulls up. He stops the car and gets out, as I start to reach for the handle of the door, it suddenly opens. Seán smiles and looks in, he puts his hand in front of me as I smile. I take his hand softly and he helps me out "Hey thanks Seán" I smile softly. He nods gently "No problem" he says sweetly.  We walk in the house and he lets me go in first, I blush at his kind gestures and walk in. He walks in after and closes the door, I watch him lock it as I yawn. He turns back around and smiles a little more "You should sleep, it's late" I nod as I start to head upstairs. I walk in my room and flop on the bed. I curl up and start to drift asleep. Seán goes up to his room and tries to sleep. As I dream of blankness, I feel something lower me more in the bed. Confused, I open my eyes and look next to me, Seán was curled up, sleeping soundlessly ~ I love his sleepwalking, it's adorable~ I think as I inch closer. I put my arms around him as I snuggle up next to him, I quickly fall asleep, smiling. Next thing I know, I feel slight moving, thinking Seán is awake I take my arms off of him and curl up. The moving stops and I open my eyes. Seán stays facing me, a little too close. I start to panic, heart beating, mind racing ~ what do I do! Just...just stay calm!~ I nod slightly and look past him at my alarm clock, "Hey Seán? Seán..we have to go to work.." I say softly. I gently shake him as he opens his eyes, the shimmering blue peaks out and he looks at me. He blushes crazily and sits up "Sorry! I did it again! Ugh...I hate sleepwalking" he sighs and looks down. I hug him from the side "Hey it's ok! It doesn't hurt anyone, and you seem peaceful" I smile softly at him. He nods and smiles a little, "welp...I'm using the bathroom!" He gets up and runs to the bathroom "Dammit Seán!" I laugh as he runs. I get up and start to get changed. I brush my hair and Seán gets out, smelling wonderful in his cologne, I smile a bit more as he leaves, his cologne still lingering. I walk in and start to get myself situated. He walks back in and hops in the bed,laying down and watching me like usual. I smile "Go make breakfast dude" I laugh and he whines "Awww fineee! Only because your my best friend and I love you" I smile forcefully as he leaves ~ never heard best friend and I love you in the same sentence..~ I sigh and come downstairs, Seán is making breakfast, swaying his hips and dancing. I smile and leans on the wall, watching him. He sings part of the songs I shared with him. I smile more as I come up behind him and hug his waist "Guess you enjoyed the song hun?" I sway him slightly " long were you watching?" He asks nervously. I chuckle "Long enough...nice dance moves by the way, the control of your hips is on point, though, loosen it more" I smile as I let go and grab little backpack from the floor. I put it on and sit on the table, he serves me and himself a plate and we eat. We finish up and start walking to the car "Seán!" I through him his jacket and he catches it "Thanks!" "Yeah no problem dude" I hop in and lean back. I get a text from Julia..

Julia: Hey! Louis told me everything and I'm sorry..
You: did he tell you the part were you called Seán sexy?
Julia: nooo! I did! Dammit! know I'm right..😏
You: Shut up! 😳
Julia: well I gotta go! See yu!
You: buh byeeeee!

You smile brightly as Seán pulls up to GameStop "Ready for those guys to hit on you" I nudge him playfully as he blushes "Hey there was this one guy that was cute" he joked. We laugh and get out. We walk in and start to work, we mess around and joke as always, just..two best friends having a good time at work..:nothing more...~ ugh! I just...gotta tell him...No don't...shut up little voice, I know~ I huff as Danica and Miles walk in "Hey!" Danica smiles brightly as she walks with Miles over to the counter. Miles, a little shorter than her, goes up to the counter and we do a handshake "Yo what's up Miles!" He smiles happily as Seán waves at Danica "Hey!" Danica smiles and hugs him. Danica takes a deep breath "We were wondering if you guys wanted to drive up a mountain with us" she says a little nervous. Miles blushes a little and nods "Yeah just is four" Seán smiles and nods "I'm down!" "So am I!" I smile and look at Seán ~Maybe I can try and...~ I get cut off I'm thought as Danica slams something on the counter "I'd like to by this please!" I look down and smile, it was Cards Against Humanity. I nod "Yeah that'll be nine-teen, fifty-three" she pays it and smiles "Well see you later today!" I nod and sit back "I'm pretty excited actually, there is a lot of opportunity for some photographs" Seán nerds out cutely as I watch "Yeah your right!"
           ~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
As we get home, Seán and I start to gather things for the drive, we all decided we were taking Sean's car, though, Danica is driving ~weird that she wanted to drive, eh it works out so I guess it doesn't matter~ I nod and walk out with Seán. Danica and Miles stand outside, Miles laughs at something Danica said and she smiles. I smile as Seán nudged me "So cute" He smiles. I nod in agreement and we all get inside. Seán and me in the back as Miles and Danica in the front, though, Danica doesn't drive. I don't question any further and we start to go. I stare out the window, in a trance of the scenery wooshing past. I gaze out as Seán yawns and leans on me. I look over and put an arm around him. Danica looks up at Miles and smiles, "Hey Miles? Can something?" She asks a little nervous. Miles nods sweetly as Danica sighs and nods. She takes his hand and puts her fingers through his, he blushes and smiles. At a stoplight, Miles leans in and kisses her softly, Danica freaks out but tries to hide it. Obviously, as her best friend, I notice. I smile and holds Seán. He snores quietly and I smile. I kiss his head gently and pull away before he notices. He purrs softly as I play with his hair. We get to the top of the mountain "Hey is it ok if I stay here with him for a little? You guys should go walk around for a bit, stretch your legs out" I smile hopefully. Danica gets my hint and nods "Yeah! Let's go Miles!"  Miles nods and gets out, leaving me alone with Seán. I look at him sleep and nuzzle him. I sway us a little as I start to sing quietly. Seán moves a little "Why is there an angel singing in the car? It's beautiful though...can they sing louder ma?" He slurs and smiles. I blush and sing louder "Ma! Look! It's an angel!" He says sleepily excited. I smile and blush madly, meanwhile, Miles and Danica walk around "Hey Danica? I just wanted to let you know... that I love you.. and I understand if you don't feel the same way..." Danica cuts him off and kisses him gently, he looks at her and kisses her back. He blushes madly as Danica hugs his neck...

Kinda gave up on the picture thing...some are mine and some are not, deal with it ok? Not stealing what is not mine, just too lazy to type it up k? Any typos..comment so I can fix them

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