Chapter Twelve

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I woke up to a soft pair of lips on mine, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jeff standing above me, it was dark outside and from our top floor room we could see lots of lights. "They're transferring him to Edmonton tonight, it's up to you if you want to go there." He told me, I sat up and pulled him to sit next to me.

"I think we should Jeff, we could get tickets and fly out as soon as possible, take the kids, get a hotel room there and stay there until what ever happens." I told him, "But it's not up to me. He's your dad." I told him softly, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I think we should talk about it as a family... But first lets to out to dinner." He told me, we got up and woke the kids, freshened up and went down to the restaurant. I ordered a spagetti, Jeff ordered a burger as did Lily, Ginny ordered noodles and James and Hermione split a thing of noodles.

After dinner I got a text, ~Hey! Why did I hear from Nick about Frank and not you~ the text was from my mother.

~sorry mom. We were in such a rush...~ I replied, I then called their house.

'Hello?' My dads voice rang through the phone.

"Hey dad how's a going?" I asked him, I heard a forced chuckle.

'Apparently a lot better then we you, how's he going? Any news?' My dad asked, I think he put the phone on speaker because I heard my mom in the background, I smiled.

"Well they are sending him to Edmonton, we might be catching a flight there soon, I hope we do... I don't know much of anything else." I told him, it was my mom who spoke next.

'How are the kids doing? Do you want us to come and get them?' She asked, I shock my head then realized she couldn't see me.

"No that's fine mom, I think it's best if they stay with us right now mom. They'll just worry more r not knowing what's happening and I don't want that." I told her, "M'Kay?"

'We were just wondering, but how are they doing?' Dad asked.

"They're sad, but they are holding it together pretty good, maybe better then me." I told them, "I should probably go, if we have anymore news I'll be sure to call you." I told them, "Love you."

'We love you to, send love to Jeff and the kids.' They said together before they hung up, I put down the phone and walked into Lily and Ginny's room which was more like a little cubby with a bunk bed, both girls were out in their bunks, I turned off their tv, and tucked them in and went to bed myself. This is bound to be a long how ever long this will go on for. The amusing thing was that I dreamt about a bear that couldn't find his tutu right before his big recital.

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