11. Sins and Faith

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Evelyn told her parents that she would be joining the Project and they couldn't be happier, not that they showed it very well. It was yet another Sunday sermon and once again Evelyn was attending it alone. She met Lonny at the doors before they walked into the church and took their seats on the front row of pews.

They shared friendly small talk before the four Seed siblings walked in, causing everyone to fall silent and turn their attention to them. Joseph took his usual place up front and centre while his brothers and sister stood to each side of the church. Joseph looked out a this flock and smiled before starting his sermon.

"We are all sinners, that's the ugly truth we wish to avoid. We try to be good, and mostly we are, but the world is filled with so much temptation. Now, my children, I come with excellent news. You can be freed of your sins, here, with us. That is why you are here. You will be reborn" Joseph opened his arms, lifting them up, while the congregation watched him in awe.

"We spend so much time being ashamed of our sins, hiding them away and allowing them to fester. To grow in the dark. We need to display our sins for all to see, to show that we do not fear them and that we can be freed from them" he continued before dropping his arms back down to his sides.

Joseph smiled at the congregation before undoing the top button of his shirt. Evelyn continued to watch Joseph, but had confusion written all over her face as the preacher started unbuttoning his shirt. "My children...even I am a sinner. Nobody is fully immune to temptation, but we can fight it. Today, I share with you my sins, I wear my sins proudly to show what I have overcome" he continued to preach as he gracefully removed his shirt, knowing that he had an audience. It took all of his will power not to glace over at Evelyn.

"My sins have been showed to me and I have been absolved of them..." Joseph announced, obviously comfortable with being shirtless in front of his flock.

Evelyn couldn't help but stare at the preacher but for two reasons. The first reason being that the man had an amazing body, he was rather slender but definitely toned and tanned. But the other reason was more abnormal, he had scars all over his torso.

He had 'GLUTTONY', 'ENVY', and 'PRIDE' seemingly carved into his back. He had 'GREED' scarred on his bicep. And he had 'SLOTH' carved into his torso, near the front of his shoulder, and 'LUST' carved just above the waistband of his jeans.

Evelyn's gaze flickered between each scar curiously. She wasn't sure whether she should be fascinated or just afraid of what she was seeing. Her confusion and interest soon began to transform into guilt when she realised that her gaze was now beginning to ignore the scars and just settle on his body in general.

"Many of you have already reached atonement and I want all of you to know that this path is open to you as well" Joseph finished his speech about sin and Evelyn had to make sure that he didn't notice her gaze lingering on him.

Once the sermon was over the congregation began to leave the church, Lonny and Evelyn following them outside. The Seeds left the church as well, socialising with the flock, well three of them were anyway. As soon as they were out of the church, Lonny and Evelyn walked over to the side like they usually do.

"Do you have scars like that?" Evelyn asked once they were somewhere a little quieter.

"...was that the first time you saw them?" Lonny asked a little nervously, he knew that it could look a little scary to somebody who doesn't understand.

"Well, I saw that John had a scar like that but I didn't realise it was part of the Project. I just assumed it was...I don't even know but I didn't think it was related to the church" she told him with a small shrug, when she saw John's scar she didn't know what to think. But now that she knew it was part of the Project she was even more lost about what to think.

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