12. The Project Barbecue

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Evelyn managed to convince her parents to go to the Project's barbecue, it took some convincing for different reasons for each parent but they finally agreed to go. Neither were very interested in what the Project was all about but Evelyn didn't care, the sooner they went the sooner it was over with.

Evelyn walked into the Project's compound, like she often did, but this time with her parents by her side.

"So which one is the preacher?" her father asked, glancing around the compound, trying to spot somebody who looked like a priest of some sort.

"There. That's Joseph Seed, we call him 'the Father'" Evelyn informed them as she pointed over at Joseph, who was talking to some members of his flock. "And those are his brothers John and Jacob...and that is their sister, Faith" she pointed over to each Seed sibling, letting her parents know who is who.

"Interesting family..." Evelyn's mother muttered as she took some time to examine the compound, quickly developing a distaste for it.

"Evelyn, hi. These are your parents?" Lonny smiled as he approached the trio.

"Mom, dad, this is my friend Lonny, he is a member of the church" Evelyn introduced the three of them, hoping that her parents would be polite.

"It's very nice to meet you both" Lonny smiled at her parents but was met with silence, only her father offering him a small nod in response. "I guess you are here to speak with the Father, I will get out of your way, I'll see you later" he nodded at Evelyn, a little awkwardly, before turning around and walking away. This is what Evelyn was worried about, her parents never came off as the most welcoming people.

"Well he seems nice" Mr Monroe shrugged as the three watched the young man walk away.

"He is" Evelyn smiled, nodding slightly.

Evelyn and her parents walked further into the compound and focused on Joseph as he moved to stand in front of his church. The members of his flock began to gather around and watch him, as if he was about to begin a sermon. Joseph smiled to himself when he saw Evelyn with her parents standing either side of her. Then he tore his attention away from her and smiled at his flock.

"There are television sets in every home, every restaurant, every hotel room, every shopping mall, now they're even small enough to carry in your pocket like electronic rosaries. It is an unquestioned part of every day life. Kneeling before the cathode ray God, with our TV guide concordance in hand, we maintain the illusion of choice by flipping channels (chapters and verses). It doesn't matter what is flashing on the screen, all that's important is that the TV stays on" Joseph started his sermon, his voice as smooth and hypnotic as always. He never failed to be charismatic. In fact, Evelyn has stopped worrying about her parents as she found herself so taken with the preacher.

"We need to switch off the television, switch off those distractions, and remember what it is to be part of something. A part of something that is real" the preacher continued, gesturing out towards his flock, the growing community he had proudly created.

"Our family does not live up in the digital cloud. Our family does not send status updates. Our family does not care what you are wearing - we only care that you are clothed. Our family does not care where or what you eat - we only care that you are fed. Our family knows the truth. And the truth is that you are all special. You are all engaging. That you are all fantastic. And capable and wonderful" Joseph finished his unofficial sermon and the flock began a round of applause, in which Evelyn joined in but her parents did not.

"We are not getting rid of our TV" Evelyn's father mumbled, just loud enough for Evelyn and her mother to hear.

"Sounds like propaganda to me" her mother hummed, shaking her head slightly.

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