27. John's Advice

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Neither Evelyn or Joseph hadn't spoken about the events of the previous night, and even if they wanted to talk about it they didn't get the chance. Joseph had to leave in the morning, saying something about having work to do but wouldn't expand on it when Evelyn asked. He just left her with a quick kiss on the forehead and next to no explanation.

Evelyn had two friends in Hope County, Lonny and John, and only one of them was somebody that she could talk to about anything. Since there wasn't much to do at home, Evelyn decided to pay a visit to John.

Evelyn knocked on the front door of John's ranch and waited for an answer. It wasn't long before John opened the door with a smile.

"Hey, Eve. What are you doing here?" John asked since he hadn't expected her to be on the other side of the door, but he was actually glad to see her. As always.

"Joseph is out, something about work but I don't know what. I was getting bored, so I thought I would come and say hi" Evelyn smiled at the man. 

"Well, hi...come on in" he smiled as he stepped to the side, letting her walk in.

"Thanks" she nodded at him before stepping into the ranch, letting John close the door behind her.

Evelyn followed the Baptist into the lounge. John sat down on the sofa and Evelyn say down on the other end of the sofa. She sat comfortably on the sofa, facing John. She always felt comfortable around John, even thought the ranch didn't have the most homely feel it make Evelyn feel at ease.

"You didn't come all this way to say hi" John pointed out, not seeing the point in dancing around the topic. Obviously something was bothering her and he wanted to help if he could.

"Alright...I guess I kinda want to talk to you about something, but it's kind of...uncomfortable" Evelyn sighed, shifting uncomfortable. John frowned slightly, what was going on with her?

"What do you mean?" he asked, his concern for her growing. 

"If I could go to anyone else with this, I would have. The only other people I really know is Lonny and Joseph, and I definitely can't talk to them about it" she explained. John probably wasn't the best person to talk to about his, Evelyn knew that he wouldn't want to hear about this.

"You can talk to me about anything. It is my job after all" John reminded her, but she only nodded. "Plus, you're my friend" he smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder. Evelyn gave him a soft smile, his words making her relax a little more.

"Fine...but stop me as soon as you've heard enough. I completely understand if you don't want to hear about it" she warned him. 

"Eve..." John said her name softly, encouraging her to just relax and tell him what was bothering her.

"It's about Joseph...he has been a little confusing recently" Evelyn started, her nervousness quickly returning. It was an awkward topic for her to talk about.  

"How so?" he asked, still encouraging her to talk.

"Joseph and I...we are, uh..." she stumbled, not sure how much John and Jacob knew about their relationship. 

"You're together?" John asked, making her look at him curiously. "Jacob and I figured it out, we saw the way that you both looked at each other from day one. Neither of you had to tell us, we knew" he explained and she just nodded.

"And you are okay with that?" Evelyn asked, knowing that the age difference was rather drastic and would be something that a lot of people looked down upon.

"Look, I'm not one to judge..." John sighed, knowing that out of all people he couldn't judge a relationship. He could barely hold one for a week. "I guess you two have been together for a little while now?" he asked, turning the conversation back to her.

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