Chapter 1 (Edited)

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It was sunny, a very sunny, cool day in April, even though we lived in Georgia.

Georgia had very whacky weather, where it could be rainy in one city and sunny in the next. I have heard from people, that one part of their house was sunny and the sky was blue, while on the other side, it was raining and the sky was dark gray. I think I've been through a storm like, but I'm not sure if I had went through it or not.

I hated how the sun was shining and how beautiful it looked outside, when on the inside, I wasn't feeling happy at all. I was depressed and upset. I didn't want anything to change between my family, but I knew that it was going to happen, even if I didn't want it to.

My father looked through the mirror, watching me. I had leaned my head against the window, in the back seat of his van, during the car ride to my school. He pulled into my high school, which is called Rome High. "You do know that I love you, right?" he asked, for the millionth time, during the car ride to my school.

"I know," I replied, rather coldly. I got out of the car, flicking my hoodie's hat over my face. I was covering my long black hair, as well as, my face, because it was still red from crying the night before. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked into the school. I gritted my teeth, annoyed with my father and the whole dang world.

Why? Why couldn't he just have waited until after I had graduated high school to tell me that he was divorcing my mother or do it then? I wouldn't have to choose between both parents, parents that loved me, even though, my mom did yell at me, because of my grades.

Yes, I knew that they were having a rocky relationship, because Mom lived down in New Orleans, Louisiana, and I lived with my dad in Rome. However, I was a Junior, and I was graduating next year, with the Class of 2014.

I sighed, while I glanced around, wanting to find my blonde haired, best friend. She had been my best friend since Elementary School, and our friendship had rekindled, when we were in a same class during Freshman Year. I trusted her with my life, and I knew that she would keep my secrets, if I told them to her.

I had to smirk, I saw her walking over to me, slowly. Her blue eyes were wide open, looking as if she was a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Her glasses hung down on her nose, showing me how nervous she, while she pushed them back onto the bridge of her nose.

"I told you, over the phone, that I wasn't mad at you," I said, as we made our way to our table. "You don't have to give me that deer in the headlights look."

She let out a whoosh of air, that she might've been holding, since I told her over the phone that we needed to talk. She wiped imaginary sweat off of her brow, before grinning a little. "Ok good," she said. "It's just that... you never said 'We need to talk. Meet me at our table, before the bell, because I need to talk to you about some things face to face'. That kind of freaked me out."

I rolled my eyes. "I would've told you if I was mad at you, Belle, and I would've given you a reason why. There is no need to make assumptions," I replied. I sat down at our table, putting my head on it. I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to fall fast asleep. I had had a fitful sleep, because I had been tossing and turning all night.

"Hoods off in school, Miss Evergreen," a sharp, brisk voice called out to me. "Do not make me come over there."

I lifted my head and looked at the steely, green eyes of Mrs. Barnes, the A.P Calculus teacher at our high school. She had a pudgy face with black hair in a bun. She had this sneer on her face, that was only for me. Sure, she was kind to others but not to me. I had no idea what I had done wrong.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hood off of my head. I wanted to flick her off, but I knew that I would get either a detention or suspended. I looked at my best friend and shook my head. "I hate her," I said. "I really hate her."

"I know," Belle replied, squinting over her glasses, trying to look at my face. "You tell me that every single day. But enough about her, spill all ready, before I die of nerves." She frowned, not liking the fact that I was keeping something from her.

I rolled my clear, gray eyes at her, and I moved my braid onto my left shoulder so that I could fiddle with it. I looked down, debating on whether or not I should tell her. I knew that she could help me, but... I didn't know if she could help them stay together.

"My parents are splitting up," I said, finally telling her, after maybe a millennium of silence. I looked at her, clearing my throat. "My... uh... dad told me yesterday, after Mom had left, that he had filed a divorce thing on her." I looked down, blinking back tears. The news had stung, and I didn't know what I should be feeling right now.

"Oh my God, Cal," Belle said. She went over and gave me a hug, while the bell rung for first period. "I-I don't know what to say."

I got out of the hug and wiped my eyes. I stood up, knowing that I needed to get to class and make it look like I was not hurting on the inside. "Come on," I said, looking at her. "I don't want to be late to Mrs. Barnes class, or else she will give me detention."

Belle just looked at me, nodded her head silently. She shook her head, and I knew that she didn't know how to help me. "Well, I'll see you at lunch." She smiled, a little, before she walked to her first block.

I watched her go before going to mine, hating the fact that it wasn't the same. I wish that we did have a class together, because I did want to talk to her about this.

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