Chapter 12 (Edited)

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Three weeks later, and it was finally spring break. That meant one week of no school, and I was going on a cruise.  How exciting does that sound!? Ooh, I was so excited for this day to come, and here it is. I can't wait to get started on a tan. I was wanting to shed off my pale looking skin and get a good tan.

"Text me when you can. Will you?" Belle asked, while I set my duffle into the van.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her, before I leaned against the van. I folded my arms across my chest, wondering why she would think any differently. She was my best friend, after all. "Of course, I will." I stuck my tongue out at her, before I grinned. "You are my best friend, and I do need to make sure that you are alive."

Belle rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips. "I'm just making sure. I didn't want you to miss me."

I smirked, before I shook my head. "Well, it might be the other way around. I am the hellion after all." I raised an eyebrow. "Or have you forgotten what your father had called me?"

Belle laughed and smiled. "Of course, you are. That is why my father likes you."

"Come on, Callie. We have to go. We don't want the ship to leave without us," Dad said, placing his fishing pole into the back of the van. He slammed the trunk shut and looked at me. "Did you pack everything?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sir." I replied, before giving Belle a hug. "I'll see you at school on Monday. I'll see if I can't bring something back."

"You better," Belle said. She backed away and pointed to the van. "Now, go have some fun."

I grinned and saluted her. "Yes, Ma'am," I said, before getting into the van.

While the van pulled away, I waved good-bye to Belle and saw a surprise of my life. The one person that I had a crush on and couldn't stand, came out of his house and walked over to Belle.

He started to talk to her, while watching the van pull away. A frown was on his face, and I didn't know what it meant. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to.

"What is that boy up to?" I asked quietly, sitting back down in my seat properly. I shrugged my shoulder, frowning. "I'll worry about him later. Right now, I'm going to go have some fun and not worry about school or boy problems."


I moved around in my seat, anticipating the time that I would be on the cruise. This was my first cruise ever, and I was excited. I couldn't wait to get away from my problems and just have the time of my life. However, I knew that it would come back, once we got back home.

Raphael was still confusing me, and I didn't know why he had to go over to my house on that day. I sighed and leaned my head against the headrest. I couldn't help but shake my head, trying to get him out of it.

Now wasn't the time to worry about him. Now, was the time to have some fun and get a tan. I wouldn't be or try not to talk to new people, because I really don't like meeting new people. It wasn't for me, because I was an introvert. I was the quiet one in the corner.

Dad looked at me, before shaking his head. He got out of the van and closed the door.

I followed his lead and got out. "What was that for?" I asked, causing him to smile in my direction. I rolled my eyes, trying not to smile at my dad's goofy attitude. "Child," I muttered teasingly, going into the back to get my stuff.

"And yet, you still love me," he replied.

I just smiled innocently, before I grabbed my duffel, two blankets, pillow, and my stuffed dog named Abby. It wasn't my fault that I don't use the blankets at hotels or stuff like that. I didn't know where they had been, so I would just sleep on my own stuff. Also, I couldn't leave without my stuffed dog. She was my security blanket in stuffed form.

"Are you staying for the whole week?" Dad asked, looking at the stuff that I had brought.

I nodded my head. "Yes, yes I am. Come on, it's time to go onto the ship." With that I started to walk towards the ship, ready to start my adventure.

I glanced up, awed by the huge ship. It had multiple windows, where I think the people slept or ate. On the back, there was this huge wing on the back of the ship, where I read somewhere it had the companies flag on it. Lifeboats were hanging off of the side of the boat, where I'm guessing we would go in, if it started break down. The boat was white, but a lot of people all ready knew that.

I couldn't help but grin, looking at the tall ship. Sure, I was a little nervous, because I had seen Titanic, but it was like once in a lifetime event. Also, sometimes the movie overdramatized bits and pieces of information.

However, knowing my luck, something like that would happen. Or, something way worse than the boat falling apart, would happen to me and change my life, forever.

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