Chapter 15 (Edited)

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There was a bubbling of a creek to my right, and my cheek was plastered in soft mud. My face was cracked from tears, and I knew that it was because my dad was dead. He died because of a stupid wish, and I couldn't do anything to bring him back. I would give my own life, if he was still alive, but I knew that would not be possible.

There was a groan from someone, and I felt movement close to my lower stomach area. There was a muffled 'omph', and that made me very startled. I had no idea what had happened when I blacked out, and it wasn't my fault.

I screeched in surprise, as I felt that... thing and jumped back trying to get away from it. Fear still had it's jaws on my soul, so I was still very jumpy. I tripped over the thing that was on the ground and fell backwards. I landed with a soft 'oof' into the water, almost spraining my wrist.

"Ouch," the thing said, and I knew that it was Raphael. Weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I didn't say anything. "Did you have to trip over me?"

I sighed in relief before I looked around to see where we were at. The quietness of this place and the bubbling of the creek sounded so familiar. It was as if I had a dream about this long ago. Or, I had been here before my father had gotten killed. The sun had started to set, so I was guessing the time was maybe 5 or 6pm.

I looked down and laughed in relief to see that I was still wearing the clothes, that I had been wearing the day I had made that wish. I touched my body, not seeing any damage or anything like that. I had looked at where the man had grabbed me and didn't even see a bruise.

"Wait... Cal, are you all right?" Raphael asked, kneeling in front of me. I took a small bit of time to notice that his hair was disheveled, and he looked like he hadn't gotten that much sleep. His eyes were a darker gray with worry, and he was sending me mixed signals. A frown was on his face, thinking about something. "And aren't you supposed to be on a cruise?"

I shook my head and sighed, not really knowing. I didn't say anything, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to. I was still shaken up about the whole dad dying thing.

"She made a wish and all is what it's supposed to be," someone cackled. I knew that it was Zila. "It's the day that you had made the wish."

I lifted my head and glared at her. "You," I said, feeling a sudden burst of anger. I pointed right at her, disliking her more and more. I was going to accuse her for the death of my father, even if it was all in a different time zone. "You knew that this would happen to me and my father."

Zila smirked. "I knew that it was a possibility," she replied. "I didn't know if it would actually happen like that." Her smirked deepened. "Funny, I thought you would've taken a longer time to make that wish. Maybe it would've taken a month or two of you living with your mother to sort out what had happened."

I frowned not, liking that idea, at all. After her yelling at me because of my grades and some other stuff, I wasn't that close to her. Sure, I hid it, but I was still annoyed. I didn't want to be with her, because she was kind of controlling, with the attitude of 'my way or the highway'.

"Wait, what happened?" Raphael asked, looking at me, frowning. He stood and held out his hand for me to take.

"My father," I replied, coldly. I grabbed his hand and helped him pull me up. "He died. I'm alone, and I have to live with my mother."

"Ah, but he is not dead," Zila inquired.  "That was in an alternative universe. He is fine, and he is alive."

My heart pounded with joy and a bit of fear, because I didn't know if she was telling the truth. I ran up towards the hill, not caring if there was an easier way. I wanted to get home and make sure that it was true.

"Remember what I said," Zila yelled after me. "Be careful about what you wish for!"

I ignored her, as I continued to  run up the hill. I knew that it was like an hour, but it felt like a lifetime. I wanted to see my father and to tell him that I loved him. I want to hold him close and just hear the pounding of his heart.

What had happened, had scared me very much. I don't want that to happen to him. I wanted him safe and alive.


"Dad," I gasped out, running into the house. I glanced around, fear that it was still true.  I was afraid that he was still dead. It would just be some random person, that had heard my call. However, I didn't care. I was going to scream it out if I had to.

Dad popped his head out from the dining room/kitchen. A frown was on his face, as he looked me up and down. I could see the worry in his eyes and knew that it was because I looked so disheveled like a crazy person. "Wha-?" He only got out, before I ran into him full speed, giving me a hug. I cried, clutching onto his shirt, mumbling incoherent words. "Shhh." He gave me a hug, holding me close to him. He rubbed my back, calming me down. "I'm here," he said softly. "And I will never leave you."

Tears streamed down my face, holding him for a few minutes. After those few minutes, I looked up at him, with serious eyes. I had made my decision. I knew who I wanted to be with, and it was this guy right here. He was my dad, and I loved him with all my heart.

I took a deep breath. "I have decided."

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