Chapter 13 (Edited)

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I grinned, looking around the cruise ship, spying some of the stuff that was on it. This was my first time in like forever, for me being on a cruise ship, and I couldn't help but like being on a boat. I have been on a pontoon boat before, but that wasn't like this. It wasn't as big, nor did it have a lot of different type of enjoyment areas.

Sure, I've been to the beach, but I don't like it. I don't like the sand or the way it feels, sticking to my feet. But, I did love the water, if it wasn't crashing at me like the waves do. I was a swimmer, and I've been on both the community and school swim team. However, like most good things, they had to come to an end.

I shook my head, breaking me from my thoughts, and sighed. I followed my dad into our shared room, glad that it had a window, even though it looked out into the ocean. The good thing about this ship, was that there was free WiFi. I could just stay in the room and play different types of games. I could also read and watch tv.

"You're not going to be on that computer the whole time we're on this trip," Dad said, making me groan. "Go have fun. There is a place where you can hang out with people your own age. You don't need me there to hold your hand."

I rolled my eyes. "I know that, Dad. I read the website a couple of times. I'm prepared."

"Then go to that place and have fun. You are seventeen, and you can get into it."

I nodded and sighed, knowing that he won't let up the issue. I knew that he was going to make me get off of the computer no matter what. "At least, can I have today for myself, please? I'm wanting to finish some things up, before I do enjoy vacation."

Dad grunted, nodding his head. "Fine," he said, finally agreeing with me. "But, you are not going to stay in the room for the whole week. Today, you can stay in here, but that doesn't mean for the whole week. All right?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sir," I replied.

Dad nodded his head. "I'm going out and look around. I'll be back later, ok?"

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. I was looking at him and I saw this look flash in his eyes, before it was gone. I couldn't help but frown, wondering what it meant. Something in me had clicked, and I knew that something bad might happen.

He nodded his head in goodbye and left the room, while I hooked up my laptop and went online.

I was going to enjoy being on the internet and having the room to myself. I sighed in relief that he hadn't pushed me and leaned back, looking up quotes and stuff.


Two hours had passed, and I was on Gmail. I was checking on emails to see that someone was trying to chat with me. A small frown appeared on my face, wondering who it was.

I clicked the button to see: Hey, it's Raphael. I know you from school. I didn't know that you had a Gmail account. ~Raphael

I frowned, wondering how he had gotten my email address. I didn't give it to him. "Strange," I muttered, before typing back to him. Hey, I knew him, so it was all right. He wasn't a stranger. However, I'm sure that he was stalking me. How'd you get my email address, Stalker? ~Me

~Raphael is typing~  


I got it from your friend, duh. I told her that I wanted to talk to you. I, also, got your phone number. I'll text you so that you will have it on you also. ~Raphael

I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit. I guess I was going to hear from Belle about her giving my phone and email to him. Still, you are a stalker. How else would you know how to contact me? ~Me

Lol. So, how is your dad? ~Raphael

I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. I had this fear that something bad was going to happen. His behavior was strange, and I didn't like it. Not good. Something is very wrong. He's more quiet than usual. ~Me

Is anything happening to the box? ~Raphael

I frowned, not knowing if anything was happening or not. I got up from the bed and went to the place where I had stored my bag. I rummaged through it and took the bag out. I looked at the box to see that it was still the same as it had been. "Stupid box," I muttered, before I set it down at the foot of my bed. I turned to the laptop and typed in what the 411 about the box Nope, still a sitting block of wood. ~Me

All right. Keep me posted about the box. I want to know. ~Raphael

I shook my head, not wanting to say anything. I couldn't help but sigh and rub a hand through my hair, not knowing what was going to happen. I heard footsteps outside the hall, and knew that my dad was back.

I looked at the computer before typing: Gtg. Dad is back. I closed the laptop, as the door had opened, showing a drunk and disheveled looking man.

His gray eyes had this wild look in them, and he was staggering around. His brown hair was disheveled along with his clothing.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my frayed nerves. For the first time, I feared for my life. I was also afraid of the man I called my father. "Dad?" I asked, staying seated. "What happened to you? Are you all right?"

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