Chapter 9 (Edited)

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The world stopped turning, and a couple of minutes later, I got my bearings back. I could finally breathe without breathing in all that dust and shavings, that I don't think was good for my body.. I coughed, clearing out the rest of the stuff out of my system. I had felt this cool wet thing by my cheek and freaked out, thinking it was blood. I flailed my arms and kicked out my legs, before I realized that it was just the creek. I relaxed and laughed slightly, opening my eyes to look around.

"Oof," someone said, because I might've hit that person, when I was panicking about the thought off blood. There was some movement, making me look to see that Raphael was rubbing his face. "That was... ow." He smiled a little. "You got quite a punch there, Cal. I'm impressed."

"Sorry," I muttered to see that again, I was tangled up with Raphael. My face turned beet red, feeling slightly uncomfortable about the whole turn of events. I got off of him and looked around, frowning when I didn't see the cabin. "Wasn't there a cabin right here?" I asked, gesturing to the spot that the cabin had been. "Or, am I going crazy?" I looked around and saw that the box, that I had thought I placed in my arms, was sitting where the cabin had been.

"Yes, there was a cabin there," Raphael replied, standing up, before wincing in pain. He groaned and rubbed his forehead, trying to stop the pain.. "My head hurts like crap."

"Where is it then?" I asked, starting to cautiously walk towards the box. When he had said those words, I had realized that my head was hurting, also. It had felt like two little people had taken their hammers and started to pound it against my eyes, while a train had flew by and hit my temple, making my whole head hurt.

"I don't know." He glanced around, frowning slightly. "Did it work?" Raphael asked, looking at me. There was a still a frown on his face, wondering if I was still being troubled by the turn of events. "Are your parents still married, and there is no talk about them getting a divorce?"

"How should I know if it worked? All I know is that it is still a go, and they are still planning on getting a divorce. However, if it did work, then how do you know about my parents actually going to get a divorce?" I raised an eyebrow, frowning.

"Maybe because I was here and that you need someone to be there?" He sounded hesitant about the whole thing. Like, he hadn't the slightest clue on how he knew about my parents divorcing. He glanced around, frowning. "Maybe you should get home. You can see if the plan had worked, and they are still together."

I checked the time on my clock, seeing that it was all ready 5:00pm, and it was starting to get dark. "Good plan," I said holding out my hand, wanting my MP3. "Now, hand me over my MP3, then. Don't play with me, Raphael. I'm not in the mood to play any games."

Raphael sighed and shook his head. "Ain't someone sassy," he muttered to himself rolling his eyes. He handed me my MP3 and headphones. "Here, I got tired of hanging onto them, anyways.".

"I heard that sassy bit, and I don't really care," I replied. I turned towards the way to go home, frowning when I saw the huge hill. Dang it, I thought. I forgot about that. I huffed not wanting to deal with it, but I knew that I had to if I wanted to get home. So, I started to climb up it, groaning every so often because I kept slipping.

"Ummm, Cal," Raphael said, a laugh in his voice, because I was getting frustrated about not being able to climb up. "There is a path that you can take, that is actually easier to climb. I would've taken you that way if you haven't..."

"Well, it's your fault," I muttered, sliding back the rest of the down. I folded my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow. "Now, which way to the trail?" I looked around, making sure that I didn't forget about anything. My eyes landed on the box, and I knew that I was going to have to take it with me, even though I didn't want to. I huffed and walked over to get it. "This box is stupid," I said, picking it up and holding it. "I have no idea what I need to deal with it."

Raphael smiled  and shook his head. "Zila wanted you to have it, so I'm guessing that when the time comes, you'll know what to do with it." He turned towards the left of the big hill and started to walk towards a path, that was visible. "Now come on, the path is this way. It's not that high up."

"If you say so," I replied, following him. I was slower than him, because I didn't know what I would have to face, when I got back to the house. Hopefully, things would be different than they were this morning, and this "magical" box worked with my parents, so they wouldn't get divorced.

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