Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I placed my bag down behind the couch and walked out, again, not caring that I was still in my jeans. I knew that my father would know that I was at home, because of the sound of the door opening and closing, since I had left.

I bit my lip and sighed pulling out my MP3 before putting my headphones in. I turned on my MP3 and pressed play I couldn't help but smile, as the all too familiar car sound started to play. At least some things don't change, I thought, starting to run on my street. I can always count on my music to not change, even if I downloaded a new CD on it.

I took deep breaths, working on breathing in through my nose and breathing out through my mouth, while I ran. I usually ran on the street, being careful of the cars going by. However, my subdivision was usually quiet, without all of those cars going in it. I concentrated on my strides, pacing and pushing myself, trying to find my limit. It didn't take long for me to get lost in my own little world, only concentrating on my breathing and running.

I looked up, startled, when someone took an earpiece out of my ear. I had been too engrossed with my running that I didn't even know that someone had actually came up next to me. It had been so unexpected, that I had tripped over my feet. I flailed around, almost about to fall. However, I didn't fall because the same person that had pulled out my earpiece, caught me.

"I'm sorry, Callie, I didn't mean to scare you," someone said, helping me up. He kept his arms around me, letting me get steady on my feet.

I looked up to see that it was Raphael. My face turned bright red, because he saw me trip. My heart pounded because I could smell his Old Spice cologne up close, and I couldn't help but want to kiss him. However, I stayed where I was at, while my fear turned into anger.

"You jerk!" I exclaimed, shoving him off of me. I shook my head and started to run again. I didn't care if he followed me or not. I was going to finish my run, and I didn't care if he was my crush, he had accidentally made me trip, and I couldn't help but feel angry.

"Slow down, will you?" Raphael said. He cut in front of me, making me jump back to a stop. I didn't want to run at him full speed. "I just want to show you something. It won't take long. I-It might help you, if you just let me, please."

"What you and your girlfriend snogging each other, again?" I asked, with a scoff. I shook my head. "I've seen that before, and I don't want to see it up close." I turned away from him, going to run back the other way, before I turned back, looking at hm. "Just as an fyi, I don't give a crap as to who you kiss, but I want to be left out of it. I like being left alone and out of crap that doesn't deal with me." Yes, I was still mad at him. He had no right to try and stop me while I was running.

Raphael's face hardened, when I had said those words. He stared into my gray eyes, and I could see maybe a little bit of love for me, even though I don't know why. "Come on, please?" he asked, pouting slightly. "For me?" He sighed, shaking his head, when he didn't see me move. He moved slowly to the left, going to where my MP3 was in my pocket. He quickly grabbed hold of it, and took hold of my other ear bud before turning away from me.

He started to run to where he wanted me to go, and I had no choice but to run after him. I was not going to let him or anyone hear my songs on it. It was my private thing, and I didn't want anyone to make fun of my type of music. On my MP3, I had mostly Christian and Disney songs, and that was it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, running after him. "Give it back, MP3 Stealer!" I couldn't help but groan. I had no idea why he would just do that, or why he couldn't just leave me alone. I just needed time to myself, and he wasn't even going to give me that.

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