Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Are you sure that you don't want to come over to my house? My dad can pick you up. ~Belle

I bit back a small smile, as I read the text that my friend had sent me. I was on my bus ride home, hating the fact that I had to ride the bus alone, not really wanting to talk to anyone. She knew that I didn't want to be anywhere near my father, because I was annoyed with him. I, also, felt kind of betrayed that they were going to get divorced. I'm fine for right now, I wrote. Maybe I'll take you on that offer this weekend. ~Me

You'll have to deal with the twerps, if you do.~Belle

I could tell that she was rolling her eyes, thinking about her siblings.

I rolled my eyes, as Belle talked about her brother and her sister. I would have had to deal with them even if I had came . Besides, it's a school night, and I don't think my dad will let me. ~Me

I leaned my head against the window and sighed, closing my eyes. I wish he would, I thought. Maybe we could get some chocolate bars and watch a whole Angel marathon. Angel, was a television show that was based on the brooding vampire on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That was the only vampire thing that I would watch. I have neither watched nor read the Twilight series, because Vampires don't freaking sparkle. They turn into ash or dust, if they come in contact with the sun.

Hey, don't blame me. My friend had gotten me interested into this Joss Whedon crap, but I loved how the female can take care of herself and doesn't need anyone to protect her, or Buffy at least. With Angel, I love how he was dark and broody. He was a good match for Buffy. My friend, however, loved her with Spike.

My phone buzzed, breaking me from my thoughts. I flipped open my Samsung T139 flip phone, hating that I was the only kid with this old type phone. I bit back a sigh and clicked the 'view' button, opening up the message.

Touché ~Belle

I smirked a little, thinking about Belle's younger sister. "I don't think you might want Manda to read that text, Belle," I said, softly, my smirk turning into a small smile. Ooh you stole your younger sister's line. I have to make sure that you don't get killed, now do I?  ~Me

I knew that my best friend would be laughing or chuckling at that text, since it might've been me that would "kill" her or not. Hey, what can I say? We have a love/hurt relationship. This consisted of mainly poking the other person or laughing at them when they got hurt.

Or would you help her do it, Cal? ~Belle

I smirked. I might since I might be getting mad at something you wrote, I replied, leaning my head against the window. I shook my head, knowing that I would hate something that she had written, like killing a character in the first page. I bit back sigh, watching as the bus pulled up to my house. Well, I got to go. I'll text you after my run. I texted her, before I got off the bus. I placed my phone in my pocket, knowing that she would just say Kks.

I bit my lip as I looked at the entrance of my house. There was this sense of dread that I felt, and I couldn't get rid of it. It really was happening. My parents were divorcing, and no matter what they tried, I would still be in the middle of it. My heart fluttered, sadly, and I had to make sure that I didn't cry. I was going to be strong and not let anyone see my tears.

I don't know what I will do when the time comes to choosing which parent I wanted to live with, I thought, frowning. I shook my head, walking towards the front of the house. I had been kind of close with my mother, before she moved to live in Louisiana, and I spent most of my time with my father. Then, both of us grew closer together.

I hated seeing my father cry. It was really upsetting, and I didn't know how to help him. He had cried when the lights had been turned off, because he didn't have that much money to pay for the light bill. Money for food was sort of alright. We just had to get me on the reduced lunch, so that he could actually get food for us to use at home. The good thing was, it was just me.

After all of that, I guess I had grown closer to him rather than my mother.  And, it  felt like that I had to be the strong one in the family. That meant not crying or showing hurt, because... I don't know. I guess I didn't show emotion, because I wanted to be the strong one. I didn't want my father to cry or to feel so down, to the point of giving up. I wanted to be his anchor. I wanted to be the one to make him feel happy. I wanted him to feel needed, because I did need him.

So, as always I bottle up my emotion and hid it behind a mask, that no feelings showed through. I usually hide a thousand tears behind a small smile, even when the road was rocky and uneven. We all got mountains to climb, but we were supposed to get stronger because of those mountains we were climbing.

All I knew, was that I had been hiding my tears, even if I felt as if the world was against me. I didn't want my father to cry, because of something that I had done. So, I sucked it up and moved on, hoping that the future would be better than the past or the present.

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