Chapter 7 (Edited)

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I quickly moved away from Raphael, after he had untangled himself from me. My whole body was tense, while I looked at the female before us. I couldn't help but think that she was a witch, like an actual real life witch, even though they were just fantasy. I mean, we've never gotten proof that there was no such thing. There had been alchemists back in the day. So, why couldn't there be real witches?

I mean, this female even looked like she was a witch. She had crazy, wild white hair, that seemed to go over everywhere on her head. She, also, had eyes that didn't focus on one color. They seemed to change from brown, to blue, to green, which was found in nature. The female was stooped, like an old croon, but that might be because of her old age. She was, also, wearing these whacky hippy clothes, that contrasted from her pale skin. She was carrying a walking stick that had probably fruit on it, but I wasn't going to ask about that.

Raphael looked down at and shook his head, probably signalling for her to stop. "Not right now, Zila," he said softly, glancing at me... shyly? Again, there was that love in his dark gray eyes, that I couldn't help but wonder if it was for me. Or, if it was just a trick for me to fall for him and then he breaks my heart in front of the whole school.

The female, Zila, cackled, before she grinned. "Ah, you haven't gotten to her, yet, you sly boy," she said, whacking him in the arm with her stick, teasingly. She turned to look at me and smiled, showing her crooked teeth. "Now, what can I do for you, young lady? Maybe make a love potion for a certain boy? Hmmm?" She seemed to glance at Raphael while she had said that, making him nervous, because he shifted on his feet.

I shrugged my shoulder, not trusting myself to speak. I didn't trust her either, so I wasn't going to talk to her. I've been through the whole stranger danger thing, and I know that I had to get out of there, because she was a stranger. This wasn't a safe place to meet her out here.

"She's hiding something," Raphael explained. He nodded his head towards me. "I'm trying to figure it out, because she's been really upset today. And, I want to help her out. The reason why I want to help her out is because I-I... um... I care about her as a human being."

"And, what you're trying to figure out, is none of your dang business," I snapped. I glared at him, not knowing why I had a short fuse with him, lately. It might be because he had talking with me, and he hasn't done that before. "Can't you get that through your thick skull of a head, and stop pushing me about the issue? I mean, come on! It's not my fault that my parents are going to get divorced, and I didn't want to tell you about it. I'm sure that your girlfriend will nag you about why the heck I'm so upset, if I did tell you on what was happening." I mentally slapped myself as I told him what was happening, during my rant. "You know what, just forget about it. I'm done." I shook my head at him, not wanting to go through another minute of this. "This is just too great," I muttered sarcastically, turning around and started to make my way up the hill.

The old lady moved faster, than I had expected her to, and she had gotten in front of me, blocking me from the hill. There was still that grin on her face, while she nodded her head. "Ah, I see. It's something to deal with parents that lost their spark with each other." She cackled and turned me around, facing the direction I didn't want to go. "Come, come, I got something that might help you." She started to walk towards her cabin, which had appeared out of no where.

I looked at her, before I looked at Raphael. I saw him looking at me with pity filled eyes. "Don't waste your pity on me," I said, walking past it. "I'm not worth it." I paused and turned to look at him. "Also, don't say anything. I don't need to hear whatever you have to say." I turned back around and followed this Zila person.

I hope that she wasn't some witch that was from Hansel and Gretel, that ate children. Her house was made of wood, but that didn't mean anything. She could still the witch in disguise. However, it was a good thing, because I didn't have the urge to eat her house. If it had been candy, then it would've been a whole different ball game.

Raphael didn't say anything, but he followed me towards the witch's house. "Zila will be able to help you," he said, softly. He had caught up to me, and his hand brushed mine. I guess he was debating on whether or not if he should hold my hand.

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