Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I growled annoyed when he cut into a woods, following an unknown path, well unknown to me. I gritted my teeth, trying to catch up with the surprisingly fast male, who still had my MP3. I shouldn't have been really surprised about him being fast, since he was a well-rounded jock. He was also the star player on both the football and baseball team."Would you just give it to me all ready, so I can finish up my run and get back home?" I asked, dodging roots that seemed to appear from the ground, that I was running on. I had to dodge trees, because they seemed to grow closer and closer together, the farther we went into the woods. Huh, no wonder I liked running on asphalt better than not. I didn't have to deal with the roots and such. I was also glad that I didn't have to deal with viney thorns, even though I was dealing with it now, because of the stupid male in front of me.

"Not until I show you something," he replied, dodging a tree. "After that, then I'll leave you alone. Promise." He said all this to me, not looking back, because he knew that I would follow him to the ends of the earth. Hopefully, he wouldn't lead me to the end of the earth, or else I would have to hurt him.

I grunted in answer, not knowing why I was actually following him. I mean, he was a teenage boy, and I was a teenage girl. He could probably be someone that would pick up unsuspecting girls, taking them to a far off place, before raping and then killing them. He just did it in the woods, so that no one would notice anyone gone. However, I knew Raphael. I knew that he wouldn't do that to me or any other girl.

Anyways, I guess the main reason why I was following, was because he was talking to me, as if I was an actual human being and not just some social outcast that shouldn't be alive. Another reason why I was following was because he still had my MP3. Sure, I was kind of alright with him having it, but if he gave it to Rebecca, then I was sure she would use it against me. She would have another thing that she would use to pick on me.

The trees started to get closer and closer together than they had been at the beginning of the forest. The roots seemed to sprout up more, causing me to almost trip and fall. However, I didn't and stayed up, jumping over them like a deer would. Since the trees were growing closer together, they started to let in less light. That meant it was darker and spookier, in the forest than it would be outside of the forest. However, the sun did peek out every so often, but it wouldn't be enough for us to see, if it got really, really dark.

"Where are we going?" I asked, starting to pant, wishing that I had brought a water with me. I bit back a groan, my side starting to pull, because of not getting enough oxygen into my lungs. I wiped my arm across my head, wiping away the sweat, even though there was still a lot more where that came from. I could feel my clothes starting to stick to me, because I was sweating so much.

"Somewhere," Raphael replied. He stumbled over a root that had been sticking out of the ground, and I took that opportunity to jump-tackle him. I had surprised him, so he tripped over his own two feet, and both of us started to tumble down a hill, that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Once we landed on the bottom of the hill, both of us were tangled together in a twist of limbs. Our legs were tangled up together, and his head was on my stomach. This can't look too good, I thought with a groan.

I felt something cold at my fingertips, and I was surprised to hear the babbling of a brook. However, I couldn't really see it, because I was on my back, gasping for breath. Raphael was also on me, so there was no way I could even think about looking at it.

A shadow crossed in front of my blurry vision, making me tense. I didn't know who it was and hoped that it wasn't someone that was going to hurt us. I wished that I could see who it was, but that meant moving my head, and I didn't want to do that, because the whole world was turning.

"Ah," a cackling voice, making me think of a witch, said. "I was wondering when I would meet this girl that you have been talking about. And lookie here, here she is. My, what a fine beauty, she is. She looks better than your "girlfriend". I'm glad that you are choosing her than that piece of plastic."

My heart pounded in my throat, fear trying to make it's way into my veins. I had no idea who the hell she was. I didn't even know who she was talking about, because I wasn't beautiful. Heck, I had never thought that about me. I don't think I ever will.

However, that wasn't the reason why fear wanted to take over. It was because we were in some different place, where no one knows where we were at,  and I didn't even have the slightest idea on where we were at, or what was going to happen.

What the hell did Raphael get us into?

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