I Am Sooo Lucky *Sarcasm*

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Stelaina's P.O.V

I awoke lying on the ground. "What am I doing here?"

Then I remembered that I fell asleep when I was in the woods. I signed and walked to the cabins. Without waking anyone I slowly went inside the Hermes Cabin. I was the first one awake, everyone else still asleep. I sighed, got out of bed, did my morning routine (shower, dress, blah, blah), and went out for a walk. I need some time to think my thoughts over. All this mythology stuff coming alive was just too overwhelming.

I sat down by the lake, under a tree. It was a peace place to think, and watch the view of the open sea. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the nice breeze and the sounds of nature. I've always loved the outside world, the wind, the tree, the animals, the ocean, everything felt like a part of me.

I heard footsteps coming toward where I was sitting and turned around to see Nico. "Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"Sure." I made some room for him to sit down next to me. We were only a few inches away from each other. I used this opportunity to get a closer look at him. He had warm brown eyes, but they felt like they were holding back on something. He had a skull ring on his left hand and he kept turning it around and around. He had a black shirt with a skull on it, wearing a black aviator jacket over it. Basically he was black, even his aura was black. Just to clarify that I'm not stalking him, I'm just observing his characteristics (not a stalker). But I had to admit, he look sorta cute...in his own way...

"Do all children of Hades look like you?" I finally ask.

"No, my half-sister, Hazel, daughter of Pluto, Roman form of Hades, doesn't look anything like me. She's very kinda to people and can manipulate the Mist."

"What's the mist?" I ask utterly confused.

"M-i-s-t. The Mist is a supernatural force controlled by the goddess Hecate. It manipulates a mortal's sight from seeing monsters, gods, Titans, and various other mythical creatures and supernatural occurrences and replacing them with things the mortal mind knows about and can comprehend. It also keeps Camp Half-Blood safe from the mortal eye. All they would see is a strawberry patch."

"Wow...I'm still surprised that this is all real and not some dream I'm having." I stare out into the open sea. "I wonder who my godly parent is. I hope they claim me, soon." I said sadly.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure you'll be claimed by tonight at the campfire." Nico reassures me.

I nod. I hear the conch shell in the distance that means it's breakfast. "Breakfast, lets go."

We walked all the way to the pavilion only to greeted by a huge long line. It was leading to a table with a girl.

"Hey, who's that?" I pointed to the girl.

"Oh, her? That's Drew. She was the old head consular for Aphrodite Cabin."

"Who's rules the Aphrodite Cabin now?" I ask.

"Piper McLean. She's Jason's girlfriend."


*Awkward Silence*

I grabbed a plate and walk to the Hermes table. Everyone kept talking and asking questions, but I just ignored them and continued eating. Before I could finish everyone started running out of the pavilion.

I saw Nico and met up with him. "What's going on?" I ask, completely confused.

"I don't know."

"Come on, let's check it out." I said running towards the big crowd.

I saw three girls standing in front of the big crowd around my age. Once the crowd parted to make room for the three girls, they walked over to Nico and I.

DISCONTINUED - Daughter of Zeus (Nico Di Angelo Story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now