Nightmare or Vision?

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Lauren's P.O.V

I'm standing at the crest of Half-Blood Hill. I felt something on my back, so I placed my hand on where my shoulder blades were but instead I felt something else. I turned my head around and saw...a pair of large white wings shaped like a eagle's. They were beautiful, but why? Why do I have them.
Then ,out of nowhere, Jules appears next to me. She stared at me with confusion. I shrugged. How was I suppose to know that we would end up sharing the same dream.

Jules: "Wh-where are we?"

Lauren: "I don't know. Camp Half-Blood Hill it looks."

Jules: "Yeah, but why are we here in the first place? It doesn't make sense. I don't think we've shared the same unless it was urgent."

She had a point. Last time we had the same dream was when we had to go on a quest to find something special, which was like two to three years ago when we were fourteen. If this is only the second time we had the same dream, then it must be important.

Lauren: "You have a point. But for starters, why do I have wings? I'm not an angel or part animal. Wait... I wonder."

I know it was a stupid idea to try, but it might come true. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I heard Jules gasp. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked down at myself.

Lauren: "O my gods, it worked." I was a fully grown fierce, looking eagle with extremely sharp talons. My wings changed to a browner color to match my feathers.

Jules: "B-but how?! I thought only Frank can only change into animals?"

Lauren: "I don't exactly how. I just thought of changing into an eagle and poof!"

Jules: "You still have your regular voice. Can you alternate it? Like change your voice to make it sound like anything else?"

Lauren: "Hmm...Let me try."

I made a deep growling noise in my throat and let out a huge lion roar. Apparently, I could alternate my voice. Strange...

Lauren: "Looks like I can change my voice."

I took a deep breath and made a loud screeching sound more like an eagle. "Better."

All of a sudden, darkness shrouds the land around us. I change back into my human form, still having the pair wings on my back, except they turned back to white. Jules and I stand back to back holding out our weapons. A sinister laugh fills the area.

"Ah, the famous Julie Arethous and Lauren Ouránio Tóxo. It's nice to finally get to see you two." The chilled voice said.

Jules: "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"You should recognize me, Julie Arethous. After all, your brother did defeat me in the Titan War." The voice changed somehow.

Something in the shadows moved. I pointed my dagger directly at it. A gust of wind blew in my face as I found myself dagger to dagger with Luke Castellan.

Lauren: "L-Luke?"

"Ooh, I'm no Luke. I simply took over his body when he past away. It's been so long since I've been in the mortal world. A lot of things have changed over the past few years, while I was gone."

Jules: "You're not Luke. You're...Lord Kronos."

"Looks like you do remember me."

Jules: "Percy defeated you once. We can surely beat you again!"

"Ooh really? With all your so-called-friends? You're not the only one with allies." He smiled cruely.

DISCONTINUED - Daughter of Zeus (Nico Di Angelo Story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now