A New Friend

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McKenzie's P.O.V

I'm walking in the woods in the middle of the night. I know, I know, you're probably asking "What?! The woods in the middle of the night?!" Well, unlike some people I'm a risky person and like to be left alone. I'm feared by many people cause I like to get into a lot of fights almost everywhere I go. I guess it's habit. So, anyway, I'm minding my own business when suddenly, I heard a crunching noise behind me. I climb the nearest tree by swinging myself on top of the branch. I'm also really flexible and can do nearly anything from climbing a mountain to doing a backwards hand spring. Basically everything that including using your body reflexes.

*Crunch, Crunch*

The sound draws closer. I wait patiently, which was very difficult since I had ADHD. Finally, two girls and boy around sixteen to seventeen stood beneath me.

"She's close, I can feel it." One of the girls say.

"So can I." The other says.

"Her ora is definitely around here. I just don't know exactly where it is." The teenage boy says. "I don't even know why someone would even go this deep into a forest at this time of night."

"Wait...I heard something." The girl slowly reaches down to her belt and pulls something out. It looked like...a dagger/knife?! The other two do the same. The boy had a midnight black long sword and the girl took out a long bronze dagger/knife. I wasn't sure how I knew it was bronze, but I guessed by the looks of it.

Luckily for me, I'm always armed with a knife or something with a sharp point, but their weapons were different than other swords and daggers/knifes. Each weapon had a certain glow around it... Actucally, all three teenagers seemed to have a weird energy around them. I couldn't see it, but I could sense it. There was something definitely strange about those three teens. I just couldn't put on finger on it.


I turned around so fast that I nearly whipped myself off my branch. A gigantic monster twice the size of a house was charging through the forest. It had the head of a bull and the body of a man. It carried a ginormous club the size of a tree. His stomping was so loud it shook miles of land around it. For some reason, I had the urge to battle this monster.


The tree branch I was on snapped and I fell through the air. My instincts took over, I did a summersault landing perfectly on my two front legs. I grabbed a nearby tree branch with a sharp point and face the creature. It sniffed the air and slowly turns its head towards me. With a loud ear-wrecking roar, it charged straight at me. I did the same. You could tell I'm not the one for making plans. I rather just jump right into battle.

I ran right behind the monster and stabbed the tree branch into the calf. But that only seemed to make it angrier. Before I could do anything else, it grabbed my leg and flung me right at a tree.

I try to stand up but cry out in pain realizing my leg was injurged. My vision began to darken. I couldn't lose this battle, but I couldn't fight in the condition I was facing.

"Hey! Over here ya bull head!" A voice shouts in the distance.

Immediately, the monster stops and turns around. Apparently it couldn't see very well. I used this to my advantage. Carefully standing up on my good leg, ignoring the pain that's screaming inside me, I held onto the tree and hid behind it. I wasn't sure if I could last any longer. A shadow appears in front of me. I didn't scream, I didn't run, I just sat there staring at the shadow. Suddenly, the shadow began to form into the teenage boy I saw before. He leans down and examines my damaged leg. Carefully, he picks me up bridle style.

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