Good News, Bad News

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Hey fellow readers! :)

I know you're wondering about the title of this update. Well, it had come to me to believe that I will be ending this book on wattpad. I know, I know, hold back your tears. For I have decided, that my friend GrimReaper73532123 and I will be publishing our books in reality.

This is shocking and exciting, I know, but you must wait. I know you're thinking:

"WAIT?! But why!? This is such a good book!! It can't end like this WAHH!!!!"
(Srry if thats not your reaction that would be mine)

I will notify you all once I have finally published it and will be grateful if you go and order a copy. I first notify the people I go to school with and you know who are 😏. But I also know that you will be the most shocked of all and might try to kill me and all of you are in my class, but at least you might be able to get a copy for free from me if you don't try to kill me.

Hope you all had a Happy Holidays and wish you good luck in the new year! 🎉🎊🎁


DISCONTINUED - Daughter of Zeus (Nico Di Angelo Story) Book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя