chapter 14

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Chapter 14 “Goodbyes”

Seth, Will, Drake and Gina all wanted to go to the future academy. They each volunteered straight away. Yet after much debating it was decided that only two should go as too many could raise suspicion. The final decision was made and since Gina refused to allow Drake to go, claiming it was too dangerous, and Drake would not let Gina go without him for the same reason, Seth and Will were chosen to go.

Dominique would take them to the future and then, once they were on their way, he would come back. The decision to not have any contact to the two boys going undercover did not sit well with Akira, yet she knew that the decision was made in order to reduce the risk of them being caught. Instead it was decided that after the first week one of the group would meet up with one of the boys in the city market where there was a lot of cover. If the boys didn’t turn up then they would know that they were in trouble.

They decided to wait two days before going ahead with the plan, two days in which Seth and Will were expected to learn as much as possible about the future. Anita and Kirk took great pains to teach them as much as possible, about little details such as electricity, how to address the elders and how youth spoke with each other. They tried to explain how electricity worked and added in a few ‘modern’ weapons as they called them. Swords were not used in the future and so Liam and Kirk reluctantly handed over their metal poles to Seth and Will. Seth easily caught on how to use it while Will struggled a bit more, yet they weren’t worried. They were supposed to be posing as inexperienced riders going to the academy to learn after all, so lack of skill in some areas was just what they needed.

After two days of Seth and Will learning all they could about the future they stood on the roof of the academy, ready to go. Gina and Drake had come to say goodbye while other than them only Anita, Savannah and Kirk had decided to join to wish the leaving group luck.

“You’ll be careful, right?” Akira whispered as she faced Seth, worry in her eyes.

“I’ll be fine,” Seth assured her with a gentle smile.

Dominique stood a distance away, watching the exchange between Akira and Seth, a unreadable glint in his eyes.

“You know, it’ll never work out between you and here,” a soft voice spoke beside him.

With a frown Dominique glanced over to see Gina standing there.

“I don’t what are you talking about,” Dominique muttered as he turned his gaze back onto Akira.

“I'm telling you as your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, add a few more greats on, grandmother,” Gina told him firmly.

Dominique gave her a withering look that made her narrow her eyes. “Are you being disrespectful to your elder?” Gina asked raising an eyebrow.

“You’re my age!” Dominique told her sounding exasperated.

“I’m five hundred years older than you!” Gina snapped. “Besides, without me there would be no you!”

“Thanks for reminding me,” Dominique muttered.

“Anyway,” Gina gave him a reproaching look. “I advise you to stay away,” she nodded at Akira, “from her.”

“Oh yeah?” Dominique raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think I’m interested?”

“Please,” Gina snorted. “It may not be obvious to Akira, but it is to everyone else. You like her, a little too much.”

Dominique didn’t reply as his gaze wondered over to Akira once more. The fact that Seth was going to be gone for a while couldn’t have worked out better. Now he would be able to talk to Akira more and perhaps get her to change her mind about him.

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