Preferences #5

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What you give to him at his name day

Robb Stark : a set of quill and a bottle of ink. In the front of the bottle and the top of every quill, there's a direwolf which is his house sigil. You knew that he was always running out of ink because of his constantly writing. His face lit up when you gave him his gift

Jaime Lannister : You gave him a costume made shield. It was personalized with head of a lion in the front. He was so happy when receiving your gift. He kept saying thank you and kissing you in the lips and cheek.

Oberyn Martell : You gave him a veil full of the Basilisk's Blood. It can cause a savage insanity to the person who indulge it. He was suprised that you could find such a strange poison but he was very happy. But you weren't finish. You also had a gift for him that night at your room 😉😉😉

Jon Snow : Jon is very skilled swordsman. For his nameday, you gave him a dagger that you made yourself. It has a direwolf at the top of its handle and made with bits of dragonglass. When you gave it to him, he just hugged you very tightly while thanking you quietly.

Theon Greyjoy : a pin of his house sigil. He would always complained to you about his clothes that missing something special to him. It was difficult since his house sigil was quite difficult to made in a small pin. When he received it, he grins at you and attack you with millons of kisses

Jorah Mormont : a map of Westeros. It wasn't easy to find but you have bargained with all the money you had. In the morning of his nameday, you wake him up and sweetly sing happy nameday in Dothraki ( idk if there's a happy nameday in Dothraki ). He was suprised you knew his birthday because he don't remember telling you and when you gave him his gift, he was thrilled and couldn't help to smile all day.

Loras Tyrell : a necklace of his house sigil. In the opposite side, there's a writing of what you said to him when you first met him. He truly loved your gift and is not shy to show it to his family and people.

Daario Naharis : Your father sword. Your father gave it to you because your sword was broken. But you actually prefer an axe or small daggers. You were running out of idea for Daario's gift when you see the sword in the corner of your room. You remember when he told you about the sword, he try it and thought it was a very very good sword. When you gave it to him, he was reluctant to accept it but you told him that you were happy to give it to you as a gift. But when your father see it... 😅😅😅

Podrick Payne : pages of songs in Westeros. You remembered that his hidden talent is singing and you found the pages while searching for a pie recipe. After he received his gift, every night he sang to you different songs. It makes you smile when he sings to you

Gendry Waters : a day off. He rarely had a day off from working as a blacksmith. You made an offer with his boss for Gendry had a day off at his nameday in exchange for you cook dinner for his boss. He was suprised when you tell him his gift and the little suprises you prepared in his day off

Ramsay Bolton : a set of new flaying knife. You doesn't support your flaying hobbies but it's one of his family " things ". The flaying kit was made with the best steel the Boltons blacksmith could find. He was thrilled when accepting his gift and used it the day after.

Tommen Baratheon : a cat tag with a bell attached to it. Tommen often loses Ser Pounce  during the day. You get the idea of the gift when Tommen tells you that his mother told him to always knew where his cat is. He was grateful and happy that you gave him a very useful gift that no one thought of.

Renly Baratheon : A flower crown. The first thing you noticed about his appearance is his crown. It was gold and different than a usual crown. Due to your love for flowers and your first impression to him, you made him a flower crown fit for a king. It contains roses, lillies and daffodils. He loved it and he wore it for days until it withered

Tyrion Lannister : A bottle of Dornish wine. You were friends with Oberyn Martell aka the Red Viper. You knew about Tyrion's love for wine and you asked the prince for the best wine that Dorne have. Tyrion was excited when receiving his gift and said that he will kept it for a special occasion.

Bran Stark : a bow and arrow. He wasn't the best at archery yet you were a natural at it. He told you that your bow and arrow is magical and that is what makes you a grat archer. When you gave him your gift, he asked for your and his brothers help to improve his skill in archery

Tormund Giantsbane : a candlelight dinner. It was simple yet what you both needed. You didn't know about his nameday until Jon told you. You quickly prepared for the candlelught dinner at your room. He was confused when you asked him to close his eyes and follow you. When he arrived at your room, he was shocked. You spent the whole night just eating, drinking and talking about everything

Euron Greyjoy : a compass with a carving of his house sigil on top of it. You want to gave him something simple yet very meaningful to him. You remembered him telling you that hus compass get thrown to the ocean when he's drunk. He didn't said anything when you gave it to him but you can see in his face that he was very grateful to have you in his life

Jojen Reed : a miniature of his house sigil. Meera told you about his nameday when you were hunting with her. In your spare time, you liked to carve things since there's not many things to do. There's where you get the idea to carved his house sigil. He didn't expect any gift but in his eyes, you knew that he was soo happy about his gift


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