Preferences #10

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This GIF doesn't belong to me, it belongs to whoever made it and I just found it in the internet. 

Preferences Where would you go and stay for a while if all the chaos never happened

Robb Stark = King's Landing. You wanted to go there since you were always in the North and curious about what the capitol would look liked. Even though he know in his gut that he wouldn't like it, he insisted on going since the thought of it bring a smile to your face

Jaime = Casterly Rock. He always wanted you to see his childhood home and to get the blessing from his father. Although you were nervous going to there, the way he talked about Casterly Rock make you happy because he always gets excited about it

Oberyn Martell = Dorne. He wanted to take you there to see his beautiful home etc. Since he was always travelling and rarely came home, he wanted you to meet his family since he knew you wasn't so sure of him and you being serious and really thought that this would be the key of making it officially with you.

Jon Snow = Skagos. Even though it's a part of the North, rarely the people visits it. You were always wanted to see a magical creature hence the myth of unicorn living in Skagos. Although Jon rarely travel, he would do it for you since you were always been kept inside.

Theon Greyjoy = Pyke. Although he was raised in Winterfell, he know that he is always a Greyjoy even after everything. He wanted you to see where he was born and where his family lived. But that idea never become real since you always make sure that he was always with his family and home, Winterfell and the Starks.

Jorah Mormont = Free Cities. He wanted to take you where he ran away after being exiled from Westeros. He wanted to see where he meet his friend and enemies but the most important, he wanted you to see the beauty of Essos and the Free Cities.

Loras Tyrell = Highgarden. Since you were always travelling, he wanted you to settle down with him and take your time to get friendly with his family especially his grandmother and sister who never really accepted whoever Loras is with. But he really think that you will be accepted by his family.

Daario Naharis = Tyrosh. Even though he don't really like to talk about his past, he wanted you to explore where he ( I think? ) grew up. Tyrosh is famous for pear brandy where your favourite drink is anything with a bit of alcohol. But the plan never been finished because you both know the city isn't exactly safe.

Podrick Payne = Old Ghis. You are an adventurous girl. You rarely be seen in one place and love to read and travel. While you were wondering around the Library, you stumble on an old book about Old Ghis and New Ghis which intrigue both you and Podrick.

Gendry Baratheon = Storm's End. Even though he's not a legalized Baratheon (until Daenerys Targaryen), he always wanted to see Storm's End as possibility closure for him and his supposedly father. You wanted to go there on a different reason and it's because of it's incredible structure of the city.

Ramsay Bolton = The Dreadfort. He always wanted to be in power since he was a child. After his father legalized him, he knew that the Dreadfort will become his someday. He wanted it to be a safe place for you and him but without you finding out about his hobbies and still wanting to be with him.

Tommen Baratheon = Tarth. He wanted to go outside of King's Landing and just stay in a place that's beautiful to him and you. You always have an interest on visiting Tarth since one of your handmaiden always talk about how beautiful Tarth is and how it's sea water so blue like the sapphires.

Renly Baratheon = Storm's End. It is his land and it was a perfect place for him to live with you and raise you children there. Renly never quite had a happy childhood since the attention is always at his older brothers but he didn't want that to happen with your children.

Tyrion Lannister = The Wall. You both want to go there just because you're both amazed by it. You wanted to see the great structural building in Westeros and Tyrion just want to see it and take a piss on the edge of it. You always laugh each time he mentions it.

Bran Stark = Winterfell. It was his home and where most of his happy memory happens. He feel safe in there, surrounded by his family and the people who is kind to him. You just want to make him happy and also curious on how the North people live as it's very different than the people in the South.

Tormund Giantsbane = Hardhome. It's where his tribe/family mostly live. Even though you were content with him anywhere, you wanted to learn about being a Wilding and how they seem to protect each other as a family. Tormund just wants you to be comfortable with people he lived with his entire life.

Euron Greyjoy = You both would travel in his boat and stay at different places. He will bring you to his home, Pyke and you would bring him to Casterly Rock where you grew up. You would visit the Free Cities and stop at Braavos or go around Old Valyria

Jojen Reed = Greywater Watch. It's the home of his family even though he never settle in there for long. You would be curious on how the castle moves and kept asking Jojen and his sister, Meera but they never answer and just tell tall tales about it.


Hey all! How are you? First, thank you to you all who kept reading this book and I'm sorry for the lack of my update. Second, don't be shy to comment or private message me if you have any request or even to talk since we're in this quarantine phase which I think can be beneficial of us. Okay, see you soon and ily :)

Also if anyone here is a fan of Dead Poets Society, please tell me where's the best book about it!

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