Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I woke up to the moon shinning down at me. Wow! I slept a whole twenty four hours or so. I got up and flew out. The stars were out and I saw a orangish light. Matt. I flew over to it to see him looking around. I perched up on a tree and looked at him. He didn't notice me.

"Looking for something?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Why'd you leave me?" Matt asked me.

"I had to sleep." I told him while rolling my eyes.

"Wow May, getting feisty." he remarked.

"I try." I shrugged and we both laughed as I flew down and sat next to him. He had two cloaks now. He was wearing his crimson one and he gave me a purple one.

"I couldn't." I told him.

"Come on, keep it. It will help me know that you are warm and safe." Matt said and then blushed. Aw! A boy blushed. I'd have to tell Helen! She'd laugh...oh my goodness, Helen!

"Okay. Tomorrow you are coming with me." I told him. He looked puzzled.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because my friend Helen will be worried and she will probably need to tell me that the prince and her are getting married." I joked.

"I can't." Matt said coldly.

"Why?" I questioned him.

"I just can't." he snapped at me.

"Okay sorry to bother you." I said as I turned to get up.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Matt said. I turned to him and speed away. I flew over to the edge of a lake. I sat down on a rock in the water and hugged my knees to my chest. Why was he so harsh? Oh well. Better go find Helen. I sped off towards Duofloheta. Which was the town that doves and knights live in. I flew off and looked around for Helen, but by nightfall there was no luck. I dozed off and swore to find her in the morning.


Three days later:

There was no sign of Helen anywhere and so I decided to do something I wouldn't think of doing, finding Matt. I couldn't stop thinking about him as corny as that sounds. I sighed and sat down at the academy. I had been staying here as a worker. Nobody recognized me yet and for that I was glad.

"I knew it!" I heard Gloria shout. I turned to see her coming towards me. Now I was in trouble.

"Sorry." I apologized to her. She shook her head and hugged me.

"Don't be. Now let's get you cleaned up." She told me.

"Cleaned up for what?" I asked her.

"To meet your parents of course." she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


Sorry it's short.

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