Chapter 8

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" You know my name, it's only fair I know yours and your brothers." I suddenly burst after a few seconds.

"Okay my name is Matt Vega. My brother's name is Tyler." Matt told me. Why of all names did it have to be Matt? What are the chances of that?

"So Matt Vega, what brings you here to my and my people's cloud (A/N: In case you haven't noticed clouds are like countries.)?" I asked.

"You." Matt said.

"Honestly." I said.

"Cause now I know that dreams in the clouds can come true." The last notes echoed and the dance ended. I bowed. I had to get away. I was breaking down. I quickly flew off elegantly and ran to the bathroom. I shed three tears before I returned.

I smiled for the rest of the night. It was fake, but everybody was fooled. I would cry tonight. I didn't know why, but it hurt to think about Matt out there without me. I'll have to talk to Helen about that.

Chapter 8:

"Helen!" I yelled as the music bladed and toned our my voice. I suddenly scanned the crowd for her. I spotted her over by the drinks. I went over and grabbed her arms.

"Wha-" She cut off when she saw my expression.

"May, what happened?" Helen asked.

"Come to my room." I told Helen.

We flew up the stairs to my room and sat on my bed. I gushed out the truth to her and she listened. I loved that about Helen, she was understanding and she listened to anything.

"I think that the only way that you can get over this is if you talk to him." Helen inquired. I know that she meant Matt, but talk to him? After all this time? He was getting married for dove's sakes.

"May!" My father busted through the door then. I smiles at him and Helen got up and bowed.

"Time for presents." Father fold me. I rolled my eyes. I didn't want anything except for a new cloak and to go down below the clouds. I loved the one Matt gave me, but everytime I wore it it brought back memories that I would like to keep stored away.

"Okay father." I said as I followed him back down with Helen at my heels. I flew down the steps behind him and saw the ballroom all cleared out. There was nobody left except for me, my parents, Helen, and the guards. I smiled falsly at the large pile. They had all already gone though inspection. I opened my first one, it was a fruit basket. It was from a poor family galled the Goldburgs. I smiled down at the generous gift.

After about two hours of this and I was done. All that was left was Helen's present, my parents', and a large box left. I went and opened Helen's first. It was a scrapbook of the two of us. I flipped through a few pages and let tears escape.

"Thank you." I thanked Helen as I hugged her.

'No problem." Helen responded as she flashed me a smile and she winked.

I opened the gift from my parents and found that they bought me a silver dress and I held it up and gasped. It was gorgeous. I then saw a piece of paper folded carefully at the bottom of the box. I held it up and saw that it was parchment. In royal purple writing it said,

The Royals have been trying to find more information on the world below the clouds. We will pay good money to those who are willing, but you must pass three tests to go under tthe clouds. You have to have a team of eight people precisely to qualify. It's judging will start in a month and so I wish you he best of luck.


Your King

I screamed and hugged my father. I got a chance! He smiled and patted my head.

"There's one more." My mother said. I nodded and went over to the big box. I lifted the lid and peered inside. There was a gold tiarra in it that was surrounded by different papers. I picked up one and read it,

"There isn't a day that goes by,

a day without thinking of you and hopes of you being my,

my lover, my dove too.

Oh doves how much I love you." Aw that was super cheesy! I knew now that it was from Matt. Matt. That sent a ripple of pain through my body. I smiled sadly and put the paper back ingot eh box. I left the tiarra in the box and grabbed the box and carried it up to my large room. I set it down in the backbite my closet and got the rest of my gifts up stairs. I hugged a pillow tightly to my chest as I thought things through.

After an hour of thinking I came up with a solution,

I would enter the contest and win, 8 would wait for Matt to make the first step, and I will get Matt to fall for me.

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