Chapter 13

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"Now it's time for a team of four doves and four knights. So come on up Helen Watersnap, Violet Dusk, Amber Relic, May Silver, Matthew Nightenlock, Travis Tide, Daniel Spirits, and Ross Goldcrown." my father announced. I led them by walking up first. Matt trailed to my left side and Helen to my right side.

We entered the arena. The arena was large. It had a floating box where the judges sat. Our admiration was cut off by a growl. I looked over to where it came from and immediately saw a beast. It was in a cage at the end. It was a lion with wings. But it also had sharp teeth and claws with red eyes. The gate slowly opened. This was it.

"Helen left. Violet to the right. Amber fall back with Ross. Daniel go in front of Violet. Matt go with Helen. Travis charge." I ordered.

They all followed without complaint. Travis charged it and I flew up above the beast and had sparks fly out my hands. It was fire sparks. I felt myself heat up and I shoot it at the beast. I smiled at what I had down and then did it again. It feel to the left. Helen started to shoot some pinkish beams at it while Travis and Matt helped.

"Violet, Daniel! Charge!" I screamed and they nodded and charged. Just then the gate opened again and out came a large boar. It saw me and charged. I flew up in the nick of time.

"Amber, Ross! Stand ground!" I yelled as it headed towards them. I flew above it Amber joined me as we worked together to defeat it. We each shot spells out at it. Ross started to fight it.

"Daniel come help over here!" I yelled as Amber and I had trapped the beast in a spell where it couldn't move. It took up lots of energy and I began to feel weak. Daniel came finally and together Daniel and Ross finished off the boar. Amber and I highfived and we went to help the others with the flying lion which was now in the air.

"Helen, shoot out the vine sleep again!" I heard Matt yell.

"Okay!" Helen yelled. I could tell that she was becoming weak.

"Violet, do the smoke spell. Amber draw up the dirt spell. Helen do the wind spell." I told them as I did the spinning spell. We created a dust tornado and I hurled it at the beast. It smacked it and it feel to the ground and the boys went and jumped up on him and defeated it.

We had done it. We had beat the beast!

"Well done." A knight said as he came out and congradulated us.

"Thanks." I answered and shook his hand.

"I think we might have a winner." he said and he winked at me.

"We did it!" I yelled and hugged Helen. Who was hugging Violet. Amber then came and hugged me. I noticed the other part of our team was shaking their heads at us.

"Come on." I called out to them.

"Doves." I heard Matt mutter. I stuck my tongue out at Matt. He only chuckled and I broke off the hug and we left the arena with smiling faces.

"Now what?" Travis asked.

"Now we wait." I answered.


Chapter 13

"Now comes the moment on which we will know who had won." my father said. I reached out my right hand and grabbed Helen's hand. She looked down at me and squeezed my hand in reassurance. Why do people do that anyways?

"This is it." I whispered to Helen. She smiled at me and we turned our attention back to the front and focused on the stage.

"Before I announce the winner, just know that you all did very good. Now the winner is... May Silver, and Matt's Nightenlock's team." my father called us up. At first I was shocked, shocked that we had won the competition, but I had quickly composed myself as I turned to Helen. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

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