Chapter 11

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We were in the forest. Everybody was in their uniforms. We stayed in the woods until the hour of the dove came and we found red's house. She rushed us in immediately after she had answered the door.

"This is going to be fun." She told us as she rubbed her hands together evolution. Something told me that age and Travis would get along...


Chapter 11: May's P.O.V.

I stretched my arms as I woke up. I was at my palace and Helen last night had told me that she couldn't stay with me. So curious... Oh well Helen will be...well Helen. I hopped out of bed and slid on my dark green dress with a blethering belt that attached to it. I attached a sword to it as well. I didn't have my true power yet, but I will soon. When I do, I'll still be keeping my sword. I flew down the stairs and was met by my parents.

"Where are you off to?" my father questioned. I looked him in the eye before answering.

"I am going to go and meet with my team and start training." I answered. It was a lie though because I was actually going to go and hunt a Pegasus down because it would help on our mission to come. I hadn't told Violet, Amber, or even Helen to meet up. My father smiled down at me.

"Be safe." he told me. My mother then looked at my outfit in disgusts.

"You should go change into your new green dress. It's more for this activity." she said as she crinkled her nose in disgust at my old dress. It was short and that's probably why she didn't like it.

"Okay. I need to go. Already late as it is." I called over my shoulder as I flew away, and ignored my mother's comment.

Now where to start. I guess I should start with the forest. I landed down on the forest floor and started walking slowly. I would catch one. I gave up quickly on walking because of the soggy ground. Everytime I took a step, my foot would sink. I stopped walking when there was a mushy green substance that got caught on my leg. I flew up to tree level and it thankfully feel off. What was that?

I flew around for a little while and then felt something hit my hair. I looked up at a tree above me and saw that it had a leaf that was spilling them. I flew up to the leaf and observed it. It was a golden leaf with blue veins on it. I observed the drops of substances that wrre piled up there. I went up and grabbed one. I held it up to my eye. It was a bluish color. I looked at it through the light and it sparkled. It was cool and it had my arm feel...wet while in it.. What is this? It disappeared and left my hand dry. I grabbed another one and the same thing. I grabbed another and another until soon enouht here wasn't any left. What are these? I questioned myself. I flew up the tree and tried to find another one, but I couldn't find another one. I looked on every leaf and every place where they could be. Oh well. I sighed and flew back down to tree level like where I started.

I searched for about an hour until I saw something gleam in the distance. I saw that it was a golden glint. I approached it...


Helen's P.O.V.

"This is going to be fun." I said as I rubbed my hands together. I looked at Matt and saw him looking at my hands. They were all so hot. But the one that caught my eye was a cute brown haired boy besides Matt. I smiled at him and he blushed.

"Okay who are your friends?" I asked Matt.

"Oh sorry. This is Daniel," Matt raised his hand and gestured towards a black haired boy who had brown eyes he waved and then started to stare forward, "This is Ross, " Matt said and pointed out a short but sweet looking guy. He had curly red hair that had some brown mixed in. Ross waved at me shyly. I smiled at him, "And this is Travis." Matt said and Travis waved at me. He smiled and so I smiled back. I gazed into his dark green eyes.

"So are they good enough?" Matt asked me, snapping me out of ky thoughts. Yeah let me just call down Amber and Violet. See what they think." I told Matt as I flew to Amber's house.

"Amber!" I yelled as I flew through her window which was open surprisingly. Amber looked at me and looked taken aback.

"What are you doing at my house at this time of night?" Amber asked. As if she had been asleep at this time.

"Well we have the knights." I told Amber.

"Oh my god! Are they cute?" She asked she was now up and about.

"Yes. There's this really cute one named Travis. He has brown hair and dark green eyes. Oh and there's this guy named Ross who has curly redish hair with brown mixed in. There's this badboy looking one named Daniel, and then there's Prince Matthew." I trailed off.

"Well what are we waiting for? Take me to them!" Amber shrieked.

"Okay I will but first we need to get Violet." I explained.

"Lets go then." Amber cried as she grabbed my arm. I noticed that she was still in her sleeping clothes.

"Amber you might want to put on some clothes, we aren't going to bed." I told Amber. Amber looked down at her clothes.

"Oh!" Amber exclaimed as she rushed off and changed into a mini white dress that had a flower belt on it. She then curled her brownish blonde hair until it hung up but loosely. Then we went off to get Violet.

"Violet!" Amber yelled as we got to Violet's window. Violet was asleep.

"Lazy cow." Amber called her.

"Hey lets try to open her window. I doubt it's locked." I suggested and so I did and as I predicted it was unlocked. We flew in and I shook Violet. Her long blonde hair was braided and she wore a black dressing gown for her night clothes.

"What in dove's name are you doing here at a time like this?" Violet asked us.

"Well we got the knights..." I trailed off. Violet's eyes widened as she zipped off and got on a short purple dress. She took her hair out the beauty and straitened it.

"Are they cute?" Violet asked in the process of straitening her hair.

"Major." I answered. When she was finally done we took off to my house.

"Hey guys sorry we took so long." I said as I entered the house with Violet and Amber trailing behind me.

"No problem. We were just chillin'." Matt said. I nodded.

"Oh guys this is Amber," I pointed to Amber, "And this is Violet." I told them.

"Hello." Travis said.

"I'm Matt, this is Travis, Ross, and Daniel." Matt said as he pointed them all out. Amber and Violet bowed to Matt.

"None of that." Matt protested.

"Wow just like May." Amber muttered low but loud enough for us all to here. Matt laughed at this.

"She's a ball of fun." Matt said.

"Speaking of May, why isn't she here?" Violet asked.

"Well..." I then explained the plan.

"Oh yeah." Violet said at the end.

"This will be fun." Daniel agreed as they stared into each others eyes and evil flickered in their eyes.


May's P.O.V.

I glanced from above at the Pegasus. It was white with a golden mane. It ate the grass and it's wings were a golden color with silver streaks. It was gorgeous. Most people saw black ones, and humans always wrote about white ones, but it is known that the white ones are the rarest. To get one though it was hard. You had to be able to hope on it and pluck off at least a single hair. It was quite complicated.

Here's what happened: I flew out next to it and it started to fly away. I flew fast and hard and managed to make it on it's back. I pulled on he mane and grabbed a hair. Then before I knew it it was now mine. Not. No, that is not what happened it's more like this ; I chased the flying horse for at least a half an hour and then I finally managed to get on it's back. By this time I was all tired out. I clung onto it for dear life because I was weak and while in the process of gripping the mane, I had pulled out a strand of it's mane. I then had it go back to the ground.

I breathed hard as I layed on the ground. Oh what a day it was.

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