Fazbear Bound

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At 2 am I walked out the door to begin my trip. I triple-checked to make sure I had everything I needed or possibly need. After that, I simply got in the car and headed out.

I live fairly close to the interstate, so getting there wasn't a problem. After that, it was the simple task of driving for 6 straight hours.

I felt like I'd be fine, to be honest. The nap really helped me and I made sure my music was loud enough to keep me up, but not so loud it distracted me from the road.

I passed other cars on the way. There were minivans, pickup trucks, semis, even a limo! I wondered where they were all going this early in the morning.

I then chuckled when I suddenly remembered I'd have no problem staying awake for 6 hours; I'd done it for 5 straight days months ago, when I worked at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Of course, there weren't animatronic characters trying to kill me on the interstate.

I hoped not, anyway...

Anyway, I managed to drive for 2 hours without any sign of feeling tired, which was great! I looked at road signs and saw some cities I was passing by. Most were smaller towns, but some were recognizable.

After another hour, I reached the city the map said would be the halfway point: Chicago, Illinois. I've never been there before, but I could instantly see the traffic was as bad as they say it is.

Luckily I managed to keep my cool and drive through calmly. The people around me weren't as relaxed. Horns were honking all around me.

I realized being calm was essential for my life, especially after working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza; too much panic at that place and you'd be a goner. Of course, I almost was one, but that's besides the point.

I finally managed to pass through the town and kept on going. A while later, I saw the sign that read "Welcome to Wisconsin". I was so close now!

I could see sunlight slowly start to shine on the horizon. Hopefully that would keep me more awake.

As I drove through the state, I could see the beautiful landscape all around me. I really did have to admire this place's beauty. Forests and hills and empty fields surrounded me as I went through the roads.

Finally, I got off the exit and continued down the road. By my calculations, it would be another 10 minutes before I came to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

I wasn't sure how I felt about willingly going to this place, but it was too late to back out now.

I looked at my clock and saw it was 7:50 am. I still had another 10 minutes until it opened, but I didn't HAVE to go there when it opened; it closed at 9 pm.

I saw a Walmart nearby and pulled into the parking lot. When I did, I turned the car off and and closed my eyes. I deserved a rest. I just hoped I wouldn't sleep too long.

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