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"Glad to have you back, Mike!" Macey told me a few days later.

"Glad to BE back!" I replied with a smile.

"So...were they really...cooking people?"

"I'm afraid so..."

"That's awful!"

"Well, we did what we could. We called the cops and reported the missing people, including Jamie."

"That's good. What about the restaurant?"

"Well, needless to say, it's being closed."

"That company is not having good luck..."

"I guess not!"

"You know, I couldn't help but notice you seemed to take what happened to Jamie really personally."

"Well... I'm not gunna lie. I thought she was kind of cute."


"I gave her my number to see if she would call. I wish she did when she was in trouble, though."

"Maybe she never got the chance. Maybe Kenzie knocked her out and took her phone."

"As awful as it sounds, I hope that's what happened."

"But in the end, you freed Golden Freddy, right?"

"Of course!"

"Then I guess you didn't make the trip for nothing!"

"I guess you're right."

"Let's just get some sleep. Mom and Dad want us at the plaza early tomorrow so we can spend one last day together before they leave again."

"Alright. Goodnight."


With that, I went into my room and laid down. What an interesting adventure this was. But I was just glad it was over...

Suddenly, as I was drifting off, my phone rang. I sleepily picked it up. I didn't recognize the number, but I figured it must be important. So I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked with a yawn.


It was a woman.


"Where are you?"

"Um... Home. Why?"

"I can't find anyone. And it's cold and dark and I'm scared!"

"Calm down...um...who is this?"

Her voice sounded really familiar.

"Don't you recognize me? It's me, Jamie!"

"Yeah, yeah, very funny."

"Mike... I'm serious! I need your help!"

Was this really happening right now? There's no way she can be calling me...!

"I'm in the meat locker at the restaurant. I see a bunch of bodies! And there's one by the door... That looks like me!"


"Mike, I'm freaking out here!"

"Calm down, Jamie! Look, what's the last thing you remember?"

"I was hanging in the air by the door... My thighs really hurt. And I could barely see. And I think you were there!"

"I was... and I freed you. Just before... You died."

There was total silence on her end.

"What are you saying, Mike?"

"Jamie...I know it's hard to believe...but... you're dead."

"But... That's impossible!"

"I saw it happen with my own eyes."


I could then hear her sob. I couldn't blame her.

"Please...I don't know what to do!"

"It's okay," I told her. "I'm here and I'll try and help you."


So now I apparently have a spirit for a friend. I suppose it could be worse. At least this one was friendly.

She still calls me from time to time to chat. I never did tell Macey who keeps calling. She'd never believe it.

She may not be alive, but I can honestly say it's nice to still be talking with Jamie, the only sane person from any Freddy Fazbear's Pizza out there.

I'd include myself, but sometimes I wonder...


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