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Thursday Afternoon, 13th of September


          Amaya stared around at the neutral colours of the room, taking in how aesthetically pleasing it was. She had only been in this room for around 4 hours and yet, none of her things had been brought to her room, as she was promised by Christopher's men.

          She held her phone in hand, eyeing the time as she thought about all the questions that she needed to ask Christopher. Yet, the only problem was that she didn't know when she'd see him again. Amaya knew that if she'd want to learn more about the dangerous man, she'd need to be around him, to spend time with him and get to know him.

          The man himself did not seem like he wanted to be around her at all, which only made it harder for Amaya to do what she was here to do. She knew that Christopher, nor his gang members trusted her and this only added to the issue's she had to face while trying to help the said man.

          It wasn't long before a set of 3 knocks rung throughout her room, making her rush to the door to see Christopher's members holding suit cases in which she was sure, were her things. They barely even looked at her as they placed her things at her door, turning around to leave almost immediately. The girl sighed, shaking her head as she pulled her things into her room, closing the door behind her before starting to unpack everything into the closet.

          She didn't know how long she'd be staying here and so that only left her to assume the amount of time she'd be spending in the house of the gang leader. Once her belongings were packed away, the woman decided to take a shower.

          She noticed that Christopher hadn't yet brought her dinner and being the respectful young woman she is, she didn't want to roam around the male's house without his permission, leaving her to stay put in her room until further notice.

          With the thought that he forgot about her, she decided that with this time she'd do some work for her job. Luckily for her, she worked from home, allowing her to not have to actually leave the house which she was sure Christopher would be pleased with as he hadn't wanted her drawing attention to him by travelling back and forth between his house and her job.

          Time flew by and it was soon way passed dinner time which confirmed her theory that the man had completely forgotten about her being in his house. The young woman hadn't eaten yet and even though she was hungry, she decided to just sleep it off, hoping that the man would at least offer her some sort of meal tomorrow as well as actually remember that she was now living in his house for the time being.

This story wont have much action for many of the chapters so I do apologise about that but this is how the story will go for now.

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