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Friday Morning, 14th of September


          The house was peaceful, so peaceful that you wouldn't even realise a dangerous gang leader lived here. I could hear Christopher down stairs, the sounds of his footsteps were loud enough to reach the, what I assume, is the second story of the house. My phone read the time 9:34AM and the sound of my stomach grumbling from hunger was enough to break the silence of my quiet room.

          I eyed the door to my room, hoping that Christopher would walk into my room any second with something for me to eat. It was as if God heard me calling because not even a minute later, Christopher walked in with a bowl of what seemed to be, Fruit Loops and a cup of water. I smiled contently as he placed the bowl on the nightstand.

          "Good morning Christopher." I spoke, trying to start up a conversation. He looked up at me, a blank look plastered across his face.

          "Shut up." His voice was toneless, yet it didn't stop me from attempting to talk to him.

          "Have you had breakfast yet?" I questioned as he had began to turn and face the door.

          "Yes." His answer was quick and short, he sounded annoyed as he stormed towards the door, slamming it behind him and leaving me to my loneliness once again.

          I sighed, shaking my head. I had already come up with the theory that getting through to him would be this hard and once again, my theory is proven to be true. I decided to ignore this situation for now and just focus on the fact that I had finally been given food.

          I rushed to eat it, grabbing my phone in the process to keep myself busy. I checked my social media's, talked to a few friends and made sure to let my mother and father know that I was doing fine. 

          After I had finished my food and water, I placed them back on the bedside table, deciding that Christopher would most likely not come back again, I focused on trying to complete a report for my job.

          It wasn't long before Christopher returned to the room, I assumed to come and collect the bowl and cup in which I had finished using. I watched as he walked over to me, his hand sticking out for my bowl. I stared up at him, his expression showed anger and annoyance.

          "Can I have it already, I don't got time for this shit." He spoke up, glaring down at me.

          "Listen Christopher, I'm here to prove to you that you aren't who you say you are but I can't do that when you're completely ignoring me and not giving me any time of day." I answered back, frowning as I went to stand up. He was still looking down at me but there wasn't as much of a height difference anymore.

          "Oh well damn, I'm sorry your highness. Let me make it up to you and give you all the time in the world. Speak please, let me hear how you will possibly make me this...this other version of myself that you think I am." He spoke in the most sarcastic, sassy tone he could muster. I frowned, shaking my head at him.

          "Can't you be nice, at all? there no single ounce of kindness inside you?" I asked, tilting my head to the side slightly.

          "I don't know if you've noticed but fuckin' no! You're here for no reason tryin' to accomplish somethin' that will never happen! How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick skull?" He yelled and from the corner of my eye, I could see his hands form fists by his side.

          "Christopher, calm down. I am trying to help you here. You keep saying that but you're not nice but how am I supposed to be so sure of that if you don't even let me try. I'm showing you my complete respect here. I stay in this room and don't leave, waiting for you to give me the time of day to do what I'm here for but I can't do that when you leave just as fast as you come." I explain, watching as his breathing became heavy, his face showing anger.

          "Fine. I got shit to do right now but tomorrow I'll come and we'll see how your fucking plan is going to work out." He spoke in an almost warning tone before reaching to grab my bowl and cup then storming out of my room, slamming the door behind him.

          A smile made it's way onto my face as I realised that I could finally try to get through to the hard headed man. He might not of realised it but even in his anger, in that angry tone he used on me, he was being nice by even agreeing to let me attempt to help him.

          Even the fact that he's bringing me food is an act of kindness, an act that shows he does care. His actions show that he cares and yet he thinks I'm focusing on the way he speaks. He thinks that by speaking to me, he'd come off as rude and as someone who is unable to be nice but actions speak louder than words and from what I can see, Christopher does have the heart to be kind, yet, something is stopping him.

Well then, would you look at that.Christopher has finally agreed to let Amaya try and get through to him.Let's see how this works out...

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