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Saturday Night, 6th of November


          I stared at the bed which I had just finished making. My suit cases were placed near the door as I did a final check around the room, making sure nothing was left behind before grabbing my phone to check the time. It was 2:37AM and just looking at the time made me yawn. My eyes burned slightly due to my crying a few hours ago but they didn't hurt too bad.

          I walked towards the door, opening it and quietly dragging my suit cases out one by one until all four of them were outside of the room before closing the bedroom door and starting to wheel them over to the stairs. The only sound they made was the light scrapping of the wheels on the hard wood floor but it wasn't too loud and I'm sure it wouldn't wake Christopher up.

          My thoughts were proven to be wrong as the door at the far end of the hallway opened. I decided to ignore it, knowing that Christopher didn't care and would most likely be more than happy to see me finally leave his house.

          "Amaya? What are you doin'?" His voice was quiet and I questioned if he could see me although the hallway was pretty dark.

          "Leaving." I muttered, still keeping my back faced at him. I stared at the suits cases, biting my lip, waiting for Christopher who took a while to reply.

          "Why?" His voice was still soft but it held a tone of complete confusion. I sighed, shaking my head at how oblivious he was to the situation.

          "You don't want me here. You've been telling me that for the past three months. So I'm giving you what you want, I'm leaving." I explained and there was once again silence.

          The silence only lasted for a few seconds before it was interrupted by the light padding of feet against wood and soon enough, Christopher was standing in front of me blocking my view of the stairs. It was too dark to make out his features but I could just barely make out his figure.

          "No. You're not leaving." His statement took me completely off guard and I gave him a confused look which I knew he couldn't see.

          "Excuse me? I'm doing what now?" I asked in pure disbelief. "You have been on my back about wanting me to leave. Telling me almost every week how you didn't need me here and how you wanted me gone and now that I am leaving, you don't want me to go? What is wrong with you?" I asked in a tone of anger, one that I've never used on Christopher.

          Christopher has always been used to my calm, patient, kind, soft voice so I wasn't surprised at the gasp that left his lips once I spoke in anger. I felt slight guilt at using the tone on him but at the same time, I didn't care. I'd put up with enough and I was not going to deal with it any longer.

          "Please, just stay." I almost missed what he said. His voice was so silent, it was like he didn't speak at all but luckily for me, I still managed to catch what he said.

          "What? Why?" I asked, a frown forming on my face at the change in mood between us.

          "I-...I can't...just stay." His voice was more demanding towards the end and I sighed in frustration. Reaching for my suitcases. 

          "No. I'm not staying. I'm not going to have you keep telling me what to do and keep demanding things of me while I know nothing. I came here for something and I didn't get it so I'm leaving." I was adamant on leaving, keeping a strong tone as I spoke, not wanting Christopher to attempt to take advantage of me.

          I glared at the man in front of me, waiting for him to say something or do something to get his way but all I heard was a sniffle. My heart dropped immediately as I focused my eyes on Christopher. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could tell that he was looking down, obviously avoiding my gaze which he must of felt, was on him.

          "P-please." His voice came out as a whimper and I didn't miss how his voice broke either. I bit on my tongue, trying my best to stop tears from making their way to my eyes again.

          "Christopher, are you crying?" I asked quietly, unsure of how to act in this situation. My question was followed by silence, immediately resulting in a quiet gasp from me as I realised that he in fact, was crying.

          I rushed over to his figure, wrapping my arms around his waist which somehow finally made him break. His sobs rung throughout the quiet house. I rubbed his back in a comforting manner as I waited for him to speak again.

          "P-please, change m-me." His voice was desperate and I could only nod, slowly leading him back towards my room. I stopped in front of the door, pulling away from him so that he could look at me.

          "Christopher, you have to promise to talk to me, okay? I need you to let me know what's going on, please?" I pleaded, watching him nod. I sighed in relief, opening the door and leading Christopher in before closing it behind us.

          We walked over to the bed where we both crawled under the covers, Christopher rested his head against my chest before his sobs started up again, except this time, much stronger. I could feel his hands curl around my jumper as if to keep me from leaving. I couldn't help but let tears fall from my eyes at the sound of him crying. I couldn't handle hearing him sound so weak and in pain.

          "D-do you want to talk after we've slept?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was crying. It managed to work since Christopher only nodded as his tears soaked through my jumper.

          I ran my hands through his hair as he cried for a while longer until his sobs turned into quiet whimpers which then turned into light snores. I sighed, biting my lip as more tears ran down my face.

          Soon, I'll find out who the real Christopher is.

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