From Meeting To Bad Greeting

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Ali's POV

I was walking home and listening to music from my phone. It was Monday and I had just finished my shift at Brew. I was exhausted. I hadn't been sleeping well last night. At school it was just the same boring as always. I had been late from my shift because I had to walk to the Brew thanks to missing the bus. And then, of course, it was a busy day at work. God, I just wanted to fall on my bed and sleep for the rest of the day. Sadly, that couldn't happen. I had to do homework and some other stuff too.

I was so thrilled about the idea of my soft and warm bed that I didn't really watch where I was going and ran straight into someone. I took my earphones off in order to apologize but stopped as I heard a familiar chuckle.

"Whoa, easy there, princess", I raised my gaze at the girl who I had ran into. The raven haired girl had a wide smile on her face. Why does she look so familiar?

"I bet you don't remember me, huh?" She grinned."That girl from the corner booth has seriously messed up your head."

Wait, what? Then I remembered."You're the girl from last Friday", I furrowed my eyebrows."Are you following me?"

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. Trust me, I'm really not your type."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked after being silent for moment.

"No, I don't think so. But I do know you", I furrowed my eyebrows again, which made her roll her eyes."Oh, come on. Everybody knows Alison DiLaurentis", she paused for second and smirked,"but I guess no one knows you're into girls."

"Okay, at first, I'm not into girls. And second, who are you? Like seriously."

"Oh, right. I'm Skye. We go to same school. Or actually, the same class. I started today but you didn't really seem to notice me. You looked a bit... distracted."

"Well, I've got lot to think about right now, so...."

Well, that was a lie. There was only one thing I had been thinking of. The whole weekend actually. I just couldn't get the conversation with Emily out of my head, and it drove me nuts!

I glanced at Skye and I could tell she wasn't buying anything I told her. I sighed.

"Okay, well whatever", I rolled my eyes,"I have to get home now. I'm so tired I could sleep all  day."

I began to turn around to leave but Skye's voice stopped me."Could you show me places some day", I turned to look at her again."I mean, I'm new here and I don't really know any other places here in Rosewood than my home, school and The Brew."

I thought about it for a second."Sure. That'd be nice. Tomorrow maybe?"

"Sounds good. So, see you tomorrow", she said smiling and turning around.

I turned to the other way and started walking home again. How didn't I see her today at school? There is seriously something wrong with me, I thought shaking my head slightly.

Focus, girl.


"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I called them from the hall as I took my jacket and shoes off.

I didn't know why I always did that. It had become a habit for some reason. Maybe I just wanted to make sure they were still alive. Okay, that was pretty harshly said but it was true. If they didn't answer I always ran straight to the kitchen just to find a note attached with a magnet on the fridge door, saying things like:

We are at a meeting. There are leftovers in the fridge. We love you.

-Mom and dad

The notes were always written with mom's beautiful, neat handwriting. They were always very businesslike and literary. I always just ripped them off and threw them into the trash can.

"Sweetie? Is that you?" I heard mom's voice ask from the kitchen.

"Yeah, mom. It's me", I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen.

I leaned to the door frames."What's for dinner?"

Mom glanced at me scolding."That's how you greet your parents? We raised you better than that."

"I'm sorry", I said with sarcastic tone."Should I call you Mr and Mrs DiLaurentis?"

"Don't give me that attitude, Alison. Your dad and I are just worried about you. Since your brother-"

"Don't bring Jason into this. You two dragged me into this mess, not him", I said making mom furrow her eyebrows.

"This mess? Honey, we know this must be hard for you", mom walked to me and put her hand on my shoulder,"but you've got to understand that this is the only way to keep you safe."

"Safe? So you say moving and changing our name would keep us safe? You're sick", I shook her hand off, nearly spitting on it while talking.

"Your brother's murderer is still out there and that might be the only way to-" dad talked for the first time but I interrupted him.

"I know -keep me safe, right?" I turned around and headed to my room.

I laid down on my bed and took my phone from my bag.

That was the longest and the most honest conversation we had had in long time but I didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. They can't be serious, I thought as I put on my earphones again. They can't seriously think that moving would help anything. That crazy killer would probably just keep haunting us.

I closed my eyes. I just let the music fill my mind and tried to think about anything else than my parents, Jason, moving, that crazy stalker or even Emily. I just breathed in and out and before I even realized, I was asleep.

|| Yay, I kept my promise! Hooray!!

Okay, now few questions:

1. Well obviously, do you like the story?

2. How do you want Em and Ali to meet again or what do you want to happen when they do?

3. Okay, third one's not about this story but what do you think about Finland? What do you know about it or what comes to your mind when someone's talking about it? (This is research for my upcoming story and it would be awesome to hear your opinion)

4. And last but not the least, could someone tell what the hell happened to my story Tidal Wave? It just disappeared!

Okay, once again, thanks for reading and voting and commenting. I love you!! ||

Firebreather (Emison Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz