Is This What Dying Is Like?

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It's dark.

    There's blackness everywhere I turn my head.

           No, wait.

                There's light.

          And a human figure.

     It's a girl.

She has dark brown hair and brown eyes.


I whisper her name.

I can't move

  But it doesn't hurt.
Where am I?
     What's happening?

You touch my skin

    But I can't feel it.

You whisper in my ear

    But I can't hear it.

Is this a dream?

   Still your hand touches mine.

                   I know it.

You need to wake up,

    Your lips say.
No, I shake my head.

    I don't want to wake up
          if it means leaving you.

You... shake your head?

     No, you tilt your head.

         I will be there,
              I rest my head on your lap
                   I promise,
                       You lean to kiss my lips
                            I will always be there for you.

Firebreather (Emison Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt