That's Not What Good Girls Do

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Ali's POV

We had changed our clothes and were now laying on the hood of my car looking at the stars. We were both exhausted and needed a small break before getting back on the wheel.

"You don't go to same school with me?" Em said suddenly.

I glanced at her and furrowed my eyebrows."So?"

"I was pretty disappointed when I realized that", she explained.


"Yeah, you seemed nice. And for what I can tell for now is that I was right", she smirked.

"I'm glad I talked to you", I couldn't help but smile.

"So am I", she smiled back.

"How're things with you and your girlfriend?" I wasn't sure why I asked that. Maybe I just wanted her to keep talking so I could hear her lovely voice.

"My ex-girlfriend. And we're done. For good. And I don't really want to talk about her", something flashed in her eyes but she shook her head."By the way, did I tell you I'm a swimmer?"

I was surprise about the sudden change of subject but I forgot it immediately as I realized what she had said.

"Hey, wait. Now I remember. You go to Rosewood High, right? How didn't I realize it earlier?"

She smiled."What about you? Do you go to Hollis, or...?"

"No, it's a smaller school in the other side of the town."

That was the end of the conversation. We both let our minds wonder away. It was starry night. Thousands of little stars glimmering in the sky. It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the girl laying next to me. But still, not even close. The stars could only describe the sparkle in her eyes.

"This is nice", I sighed."I used to do this with my mom. Just lay on the roof and look at the stars. I loved doing that. Those were the happy days." I smiled saying that.

"Why don't you do that anymore? Did you grow too old for that?"

"Actually, I don't know", I lied."Everything just changed."

I wasn't ready to talk about Jason. Not yet. And I didn't want to cry in front of her. I didn't want her to think I was just some stupid crybaby. That wasn't me. That wasn't Alison DiLaurentis. I had always been good in hiding my feelings and now wasn't the right time to start slipping.

"Thanks for bringing me here. I had a lot of fun today", I turned a bit so I could see her face. She moved too, so she could see me.

"Well, you seemed like you needed a break."

She was so close to me. She was so close, I could feel her breath on my skin. And all I wanted to do was kiss her. I really wanted to. Alison DiLaurentis, snap out of it. I don't know what's wrong with you today but you got to stop this. I felt my cheeks redden. God, why does she make me feel like this?,

She looked so peaceful, just laying there and and watching me. My heart started beating faster and faster. My breath got heavier. I just wanted to lean forward, close the gap between us and kiss her. I almost did.

"Maybe we should just go", I whispered clearing my throat. Emily breathed in few more times before answering.

"Okay", was all she said. Another quiet moment.

She finally pulled further and I took a deep breath. What was that? My heart was racing like I had just ran a marathon and my breathing was giving exactly the same image. I slid off the hood.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I asked without looking at her.

"Yeah, I should do the rest of my homework, anyway and you should do, too", she said with calm and playful voice.

How can she be so calm? Was I wrong about her? Was I overreacting?


In the car at first I didn't say anything. I was afraid to open my mouth. Emily instead acted like nothing had happened. Wait. Did anything happen?

Finally I just decided I had overreacted and I had no reason to act like a cat in heat. I wanted to stop the car. I wanted to run to that cornfield we were just passing by. I wanted to shout. I wanted to do something. But instead I was sitting in this car unable to do anything but listen to Emily talking about swimming and school. It didn't bother me but it was a bit hard to concentrate. It wasn't the talking that made it hard. It was her voice. Just hearing it made me act like hypnotized. Her voice was like drug to me. When Em asked me something my mouth was unable to form more than two or three words. The rest was blurry mumbling. Em didn't say anything until we got to her house.

"What's wrong? You've been quiet the whole time", she said as I parked to the sidewalk.

I sighed and got out of the car. I leaned my back against the car door. I closed my eyes and let the soothing coldness of the metal cool me down. I heard a car door open and slam it closed. Em came around the car to me. She looked worried.

"If this is about what I said earlier, I'm sorry. I-", I interrupted her.

"It's not about that", I said quietly.

"Ali, what is it?" she demanded to know sounding worried."If you're not gonna tell I can just as well go."

I could feel her eyes on me. They were burning the side of my head, trying to see inside my skull. Trying to figure out what I was thinking. Then she gave up and turned sighing around to leave. She had taken only few steps away when I grabbed her wrist. Her skin felt just as soft as I had always thought it would. I realized that I had never touched her before. Not like this.

I turned her around and pulled her closer to me. I held her against my body and when she didn't pull away, I pressed my lips against hers. And she kissed back. Her lips were soft and warm and tasted like heaven. I raised my hand to fondle her cheek. She put her hands on my hips. I felt like I was flying. The second I felt her lips on mine, my heart stopped and my insides turned upside down.

     To put it shortly, kissing her felt like fireworks.

I smiled as she pulled away."Wow", she whispered.

I couldn't speak. I just nodded slightly. Em's cheeks were a bit red. I slid my hands lower and our hands intertwined.

"Thank you for today", I said quietly.

"I should be thanking you", she tilted her head a bit and straightened the bag on her shoulder."I should go inside. I'll call you later."

She smiled and turned around. I sighed and got inside the car. I rested my forehead against the wheel. Okay, breathe, I told to myself. My heart was beating like a drum. I couldn't deny it anymore.

    I had fallen I love with Emily Fields.

||So, here's a short one. Sorry, I've been busy with a celebration of our 40-year-old high school :). I'm acting in a play and got to do some other stuff too so that's been taking my time.

I realized that I haven't thanked you yet. Thank you for reading , commenting, voting and following. I love you all so much and it means so much to me ||

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