Thought This Was Over?

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I was still floating above the ground when I got home. Mom and dad weren't there. I was welcomed home with happy barking and with dog's wet tongue on my face. I almost fell as the huge paws hit my chest.

"Who, Pepe! Calm down", I laughed and tried to push the dog away from me.

I finally succeeded to do that. The barking dog danced around me. His tail was waving wildly. I crouched to scratch the whining dog. Pepe sat and looked at me with his brown eyes.

"Did mom and dad leave you out?" I patted his head. He whined some more."I know, I know. Lonely, isn't it?"

I straightened up."Come on, Pep. Let's be lonely together."

I let Pepe in first. He ran straight to the kitchen. I turned the lights on. Pepe was clawing the fridge door. I gave him some dog food and water and headed to the living room. I fell to the couch. I took my phone from my pocket. One message from unknown number. Could that be Emily? I excitedly opened the message. It wasn't what I had been expecting for.

You thought this was over? Over my dead body. You should be more careful. You don't want mommy and daddy to see this...

There was a photo attached to the message. I opened it with shaking hand and inhaled sharply. It was a picture of me and Emily... kissing. It was taken pretty afar but I could easily recognize my own blond hair and Em's beautiful long curls. You don't want mommy and daddy to see this. This was too bad to be true.

A was back. And he knew about me and Em. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I thought he's gone. I thought this was over. When he stopped writing these messages I thought I was finally free. I shook my head. This can't happen again.

A was the same psychopath who had killed my brother. He had been sending messages to me and my parents. Once he had hang a doll on our living room. There had been a knife stabbed into the doll's chest. There was also a printed message on it's shirt:
Little dolls hiding in the dark,
Jason lying in the park.
Knife stabbed into his chest,
maybe that was for the best.

Me and mom had seen it first. We had just came home from a trial. Dad had been torn. He hadn't been able to even speak. On the way home mom just stared out of the window without saying anything. When we got home dad went straight to the kitchen and me and mom to the living room. I can't even describe what I felt when I saw the doll. I felt... numb. Mom collapsed to the ground and started shaking. She just shook and nearly hyperventilated. I saw dad coming in and dropping a wine class.

A had been sending us messages before but that was the last straw to all of us. That was when I started cutting and I had to go see a therapist. It helped, talking to a stranger but that's not why I stopped cutting. It just kept on and on... I didn't cut to get attention or because I was protesting the death of my brother. I just wanted to get the pain from my heart somewhere else and my mind distracted.

Once I cut too deep and I had to go to a hospital. Though I still have that razorblade in my drawer. You know, just as a reminder. Mom and dad hadn't known about my cutting earlier but I didn't blame them. They were devastated about Jason and had their own problems to take care of.

A's message was clear: if I'm with Emily he tells my parents. I couldn't risk them knowing. Not yet. Mom always told me how proud of me she was and how she waited to meet my future husband and my family. I couldn't crash her dreams like that. I was their only child and their only chance to get grandchildren. That was every parents' dream.

What the hell am I doing? I buried my face in my hands. I can't bring Emily in to this mess. She didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve her.


Emily's POV

"Hello, Emily. Earth calling", Spencer called me raising her eyebrows.

I snapped back to reality."Did I miss something?"

Spence just ignored my sleepy question."What happened to you yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" I asked little dizzily.

"You've been weird the whole day. You haven't even spoken anything!" she really looked worried.

"I kinda met someone yesterday. Or actually I met her last Friday", I said unsure how she would react.

Spencer's eyes widened surprised."Really? Who is she?"

"She works at the Brew. Her name is Alison", I blushed thinking about her.

"Does she go to school in Rosewood?"

"No, in Philly. At Carson High", Ali had told me about her school at the bond.

"Wait, are you talking about Alison DiLaurentis?" Spence furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, do you know her?" I asked surprised.

"Do I know her? Who wouldn't? She's like the queen bee in Carson High. She's the worst man eater I know. You'll need a lot more than your fingers and toes if you're gonna count all the guys she's been with", her voice was pure scorn.

Her words really hurt me."Where did you get that from?"

"I have a friend there. She's told me many stories about that bitch", Spencer glared around the cafeteria.

"If that's true, why would she kiss me?"

She stared at me for a moment looking like she expected me to say I was just joking. Well, I wasn't."I don't know. Maybe she's bored."

"Well, I don't believe that. I've never felt a connection like this with anyone", I just couldn't believe that.

"Em, that friend I told about earlier... She told me once that she'd found her making out with her boyfriend. That girl is a slut."

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe."I'm sorry, I have to go", I mumbled and stood up almost dropping the glass from the table. I stumbled away from her. I got in my car and took my phone. I opened GPS and typed Carson High, Philadelphia to the search box. The phone beeped as it found the route.

I started the car.

||Sorry about the short chap!||

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