Story 14: Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow

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Arjun: What do you mean by you are going there alone?

Adi: I meant what I said Arjun. I am going to the island on my own. The police will not take civilians with them. So I have to do it myself.

Arjun: But why? They are already going there. Why do you have to go as well? Its not safe brother.

Adi: I know that they are going but I am not sure which situation she will be in when they would find her and I don’t want her to face strangers alone. I don’t want her to be scared. I want to be there for her when they find her. She needs me.

Arjun: But how are you going to go?

Adi: I got a sea plane from a friend. I fly the planes at his personal flight station at times. He will give me one for the day.

Arjun: But how are you going to fly it all alone over the sea? Its so scary brother.

Adi: I am a pilot Arjun. That’s what I do.


Vikraam : How the hell did it happen? How did the information leak to the special investigation agency? If I get to know about the person who backstabbed me, he would wish that he was never even born. Its a promise.

Guard: You need to leave Sir. They are coming for our asylum in Nainital, the Chopra hospital chain and this island as well. We only have some time to escape and there is nothing else we can do.

Vikraam: We will move now. One of you go and get Maya. Mohin, go and activate the bomb. They will come but won’t get anything. The entire place will sink after the bomb explodes. Also, I want the quarantine burned. I don’t want even a single test subject found alive no matter what. They should be ashes.

Guard: What will we do with the rest of the people and the caretakers and the nurses.

Vikraam: We have only a few choppers and I want only my crew, senior doctors and Maya with me. Lock everyone else up in cells. Go now.

Vikraam couldn’t believe that his fortress has been breached. He had informants in every department and still he didn’t have a clue. Vikraam was tensed and he dialled Chopra on satellite phone. But no one picked up. He threw the phone to the ground.


Maya roamed around in her room. She heard the clicking sound of the door opening. It was one of Vikraam’s men.

Maya: What do you want?

Guard: We are leaving the island now and Vikraam Sir wants you to go with him.

Maya: I am not coming anywhere with him.

Guard: Then I will drag you out.

Maya wanted to hit him at the very moment but she kept calm and followed him. What she found on the way shocked her. Vikraam’s men were locking everyone up in the cells. Even the caretakers and the nurses and some doctors as well. Maya had no idea what was happening. People were screaming and there were a few dead bodies on the ground. Maya looked at the quarantine and she found fire inside it. The people were being burned alive by Vikraam’s men. Maya kept her head low and followed the guard. She didn’t know what she should do. When they reached a turning were there was nobody in sight, Maya slowly took a fire extinguisher and hit the guard hard on the back of his head and he fell down motionless. Maya dragged his body from the path. He was heavy and she panted after leaving him at a corner.


Vikraam waited for a long time over the island. The guard who went to get Maya and the one who went to activate the bombs hadn’t come back. The rest had already boarded the choppers.

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