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Adi and Maya looked at their children through the window. Both Prithvi and Adiya were crying and it was the first day of their school. Adi's eyes teared up and he looked at Maya for support and found her crying as well.

Teacher: Parents are supposed to leave the school premises after entering their children at the class. All other parents have left. Go and come back after three hours.

Adi: But they are crying. How can we leave them like that?

Teacher: So are almost all the children. You both should leave now or else I am calling the principal.

Maya held Adi's hand and they walked towards their car. Adi started the car and Maya wiped her tears and tried not to cry out loud.


Adi and Maya sat on the park bench. There was one more hour to go and they didn't feel like going home without their children. Adi softly took Maya's hand in his hand and smiled looking at her. It had been one hell of a journey, his life gave him heart breaks, pain, betrayal, love and companionship. But if it has led him to Maya then he was fine with all that had happened. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way than sitting next to Maya, holding her hand and smiling at her.

Maya looked at Aditya. He was everything that she thought that she would never have in her life. But she got him. Maya was not sure that if she was fully cured from her mental illness but she knew one thing for sure, if she ever feels like going to the dark path again, her family would hold her back and that gave her the greatest strength to fight. Everyone deserves to be loved. No one deserves constant fear and loneliness. Even if there is only one person in this world who loves you and stays by your side, then that is all you need in life to stay sane and Maya was thankful to Adi for that. He was there when nobody was there for her. He found her at her weakest and made her strong. Maya smiled at Adi with tears in her eyes and Adi wiped her tears and softly kissed her forehead.

They were there and they were together.



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So the story comes to an end. Hope you liked it. Now it's an adieu from your Adi and Maya and their perfect imperfections. I will come back with something new and different soon. Till then wishing you all luck. ❤️❤️

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