Final Story: Fairy Godmother

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Maya held the Pregnancy meter in her hand and watched the line getting clearer. She was right, she is pregnant. Maya's hand trembled and the device fell from it. Maya felt as though she was out of air. Maya sat down on the floor and her whole body froze.


Adi walked inside the kitchen to find Maya cooking something. Maya should have heard the sound of him entering the house but still she hadn't responded. Adi knew that something was wrong. He stood there watching her for sometime and when there was no reaction from Maya, he walked towards her and held her hand. Maya tried to pull away. Adi let go of her hand.

Maya: I am busy Aditya. Can't you see?

Aditya: What's the big deal Maya? We will cook it later or will order online.

Maya: No. I am making it myself. Please let me do my work.

Maya moved away from Aditya.

Adi felt sad. Maya had never talked to him like this and he knew that there was something seriously wrong. Adi softly touched Maya's shoulder and turned Maya around and he was shocked. She was crying. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet with tears. His heart broke. Adi hugged Maya tight for a few moments and Maya hugged him back and started crying harder. Adi didn't understand the reason but he let her cry. It was better to help her let out her pain rather than forcing her to speak when she is not in the position to do so.

Maya cried for sometime and then broke the hug and moved away from Adi. She wiped her tears.

Adi: What happened Maya?

Maya: It's nothing Aditya. There is nothing at all. I was just sad. I don't know why.

Adi: Liar. Maya, what's the matter?

Maya looked at Adi and then lowered her eyes. She couldn't face him.

Maya: I am pregnant, Aditya.

Adi was shocked. It was unexpected. He became silent. His mind started spinning.

Maya: I know what you are feeling right now Aditya. We have never spoken about having kids. We didn't plan any of this. It's been only two months since our marriage and I know you will be in shock and I don't know what to say.

Maya kept her eyes low and tears started rolling from them. Adi hugged Maya all of a sudden.

Adi: I don't believe it Maya. We are going to be parents. It's true that I never thought of it but its the best thing ever. Us, as parents, can you imagine?. We are going to suck at it but still, it's amazing.

Maya didn't say anything.

Adi: Maya, what is it? I am fine with the pregnancy. We will be okay. We are old enough to have kids.

Maya: It's not that Aditya. I have been pregnant three times before. I had two miscarriages and then when I gave birth, I couldn't even hold the child for long enough. I am scared. I don't want any of that to happen again.

Adi: Maya, do you want this child?

Maya: What? Adi it's not up to me. It's yours too.

Adi: It is up to you and if you want to keep it, I promise that I won't let anything happen. I will take care of you. But if you don't want it, then we won't have it. Its yours to decide and I will agree to whatever you say.

Maya looked at Adi in disbelief. She smiled through her tears.

Maya: I want it.

Adi hugged Maya and kissed her forehead. Maya hugged Adi back softly.

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