Story 13: Blood Island

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Disturbing content at the end of the story. You may skip it for easy reading.


Yash: The information we got from the Hooda database is not enough to trap the Chopras and Vikraam Raichand. We still have no information regarding their human trafficking network and the place where they are keeping the trafficked people.

Pooja: So what should we do now?

Yash: We need to hack in to the Chopra database.

Pooja: But how? It was so tough to get in to our firm’s database. So just imagine how tough it will be to get in to theirs.

Yash: I don’t know Pooja. But, we have to somehow get in to their premise to do that. Also we need a highly skilled hacker for that. I will search for someone in our department.

Pooja: Okay Yash, but be careful.

Yash: Yes, Pooja

Pooja looked in the rear view mirror and spoke.

Pooja: Yash, I have been noticing for quite some time. A truck is following us. It has been doing so for about a kilometer now. It doesn’t feel right to me.

Yash: I have been noticing that too. I will drive faster. Don’t worry Pooja.

Yash drove faster and the truck was left behind. They were moving towards the high range area when all of a sudden a huge SUV that was stopped in a side way facing the road rushed forward and hit Yash and Pooja’s car, pushing it to the valley. Yash held Pooja’s hand tightly and they both knew that it was over. The driver of the SUV drove back and then turned towards the road and drove away from the spot.


Mithun Chopra: So, when are you going to kill her?

Vikraam: Kill who, Chopra Sir.

Mithun Chopra: Maya Mehrotra. I hope your interrogation is over and you have studied her enough. It has been more than two weeks, Vikraam. You get bored of people even before the end of a week but you are still keeping her alive. She is a liability Vikraam, finish her.

Vikraam: I am still studying her Sir. I will definitely get rid of her. Give me some more time.

Vikraam could feel sweat developing on his forehead and the climate in the island was really cold. He had no idea why he was scared and tensed.

Mithun Chopra: I have known you for more fifteen years Vikraam. And I have never seen you like this before. I have been talking to some of your men and they admitted that you seem obsessed with her. You are a strong person Vikraam and you should not have a weakness like her. She will only hinder your growth.

Mithun Chopra took a Barrita from his pocket and held Vikraam’s hand and placed it on his palm. Vikraam’s hand started shaking and he pulled the hand back immediately to hide it.

Mithun Chopra: Finish her Vicky and if you like, rape her first and then kill her. But kill her today itself.

Vikraam: No, Sir, I don’t want to rape her. I will kill her now.

Vikraam turned around and walked towards Maya’s room. He could hear his heart beating faster than it ever did before.


Adi walked around in the guest house. He missed Maya. Every nook and corner of the place reminded him of her. It was their home. The place that knew their love, their pain, their happiness. Adi walked towards their bedroom. It was lifeless without her. The bedsheet and pillows were on the floor. Adi had a habit of pushing pillows and bedsheet out of the bed. He only liked Maya near him. If Maya leaves early, before Adi is awake, then the room will be a mess until she comes back. Maya kept everything in order, even his life. Adi walked towards the bedroom window and opened it wide and let the air in. It felt suffocating inside the room. His eyes filled with tears. But Adi didn’t break down. He needed to stay sane. He needed to find her.

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