Story 15: Mountains And Lost Things

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Maya watched the sun rising through her windows. The morning mist created a trance in the sky. Maya got up from the chair, washed the tea cup and started reading the book she had left on the table the day before.

It has been close to six months since she had left Mumbai and now she was in a different country. Maya read her book for about an hour and then bathed, dressed, ate her breakfast and walked towards the door. It was a one storied house that she was staying in. Maya locked the door of the house and walked down the stone steps. The wind felt cold against her face. Winter in Nepal was chilling and soothing at the same time. Maya got down to the road and started walking towards the orphanage.

Child: Maya ma’am.

Maya turned around and looked at the child.

Maya: What are you doing here alone? You should be in class now.

Child: I am not alone ma’am. I am with Ayomi ma’am. We are buying books for the story period.

Maya: Oh, I forgot about that. But stay with Ayomi ma’am. Do not wander off. I will see you at school.

Child: Yes, ma’am

Maya walked towards the Red Cross orphanage where many of the earthquake victims, especially women and children who had lost their homes and family members were inhabited. Maya is teaching them for the last four months.

Maya walked towards a Buddha temple on the way and prayed there for sometime. She was going to talk to some teenagers and youth who were rescued from sex traffickers and drug dealers. Maya didn’t know what she was going to say. They were under treatment for a few months and now they will join the mainstream society as students and workers and had to be given an encouraging speech which was Maya’s responsibility today. She sat in the temple and prayed to God and asked for guidance.


Maya looked at everyone in front of her. Most of them were children. Hearing about the horrors they had faced in their young age had chilled Maya’s spine. Maya’s childhood problems seemed nothing in front of what they had faced. She didn’t know what to say. Maya was never good at consoling people. Maya closed her eyes and thought of Aditya. His smiling face appeared in front of her eyes. She wished that he was there. He would have known what to say, he would have known what to do.

Maya started speaking.

Well, I would like to start by saying that I am very bad at giving speeches, any kind of speeches and this might be the worst speech that you guys might ever hear. (everyone laughed and Maya continued) And also I would like to say that you are all loved, we are loved. Loved by the selfless people who found us, saved us and supported us to become independent individuals, who can now decide our future on our own. I am thankful to each and everyone associated with the red Cross society for the support and love they unconditionally shower on us. (Maya paused for a moment) I know that you all have been through a lot till now. I have to say maybe not the same but I have seen a lot of horrors in my life as well. At some point of your life, you might have felt like you were lost, defeated. You might have been scared and felt insecure, maybe you are still feeling that way. But there is no need for that. The dark part of your lives are over. It is just that, we can’t do anything about our pasts. But our pasts and the people involved in it are all gone. What we have in front of us is our future and we have full power to recreate it. None of you are at fault. Think of whatever that has happened to you as a something which will help you to save others from bad situations moving forward, whatever has happened is wrong but rather than being sad about it, think of it as a lesson, a lesson to help you guide the suffering back to light, to make their lives better. Because we have suffered and we have survived and now we are living. We have seen terrible things in life but we are still alive and as long as we are, we have the power to make our lives the way we want it. Someone special once told me this ‘Love unconditionally, help without asking anything in return, be kind, kind to others and yourself’. And more than that, forgive yourself, for what you have done as well as what has been done to you. Everything will fall in to place. Sooner or later. Take care everyone. May God be with all of us.

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