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instagram: mikeybarone dmed you!

you subtly opened the message, not really thinking anything of it. once you read what it said, you just laughed to yourself.

'hey i think you're pretty sexy, would you like to go out with me sometime? ;)'

as if mikey could ever deserve a chance with you. first, he talks trash about brennen, one of your friends. second, he's kind of a play boy.

you just have no interest in him. you are talking to someone else, well really looking at someone else. the boy you want to date is known as colby brock.

beautiful blue eyes, and brunette hair that flows perfectly. masculine body that is all natural, amazing personality. most importantly, a loving person.

he's what you would describe as a dream guy. he's all you've ever wanted. all you could do was give mikey a simple rejection.

'sorry mikey, not interested in dating right now.'

which you obviously lied about. you just didn't want to date him, and you couldn't have the guts to tell him that.

a few minutes later after receiving mikey's dm, your phone lit up once again. you picked it up to see, 'brennnn <3' calling you.

you answered, "hey bitch!"

"wassup girl! me and colby are going to tender greens later, wanna tag along?" he asked you.

"i would love to!" is what you replied.

you quickly got ready, and straightened your hair just as a touch up. you then slipped on your now or never script cropped hoodie, some ripped, tight shorts and some low top red vans.

you slipped out of the house and saw brennen and colby walking up to your house ready to pick you up.

"hey!" you said to them, grabbing their attention.

"that's my bitch! look how hot you are!" brennen said giving you a tight hug. you giggled as you hugged him back.

"hey y/n, i see you're looking gorgeous as always." colby smiled to you and gave you a kiss on your cheek, causing you to blush hardcore.

you turned away but it was too late as he had already saw your reaction. he gripped your hand firmly, and walked with you.

"you know colby all you have to do is ask her out." brennen whispered to colby as you were a little bit ahead of both of them, but you could hear them both clearly.

"yea i know that bro, but she's perfect. i could never have a chance with her." colby sighed and your heart sunk.

'colby has the best chance with me than any other guy. why is he afraid?'

"come on guys!" you cut brennen off before he could speak and rushed into tender greens, as you were hungry.

as you entered the restaurant you saw bryce and mikey. you tried to turn away but they saw you too quick, and they waved you over.

"guys i'm gonna use the restroom, i'll meet you at the table." the boys nodded and went to the other side of the restaurant.

you sat with mikey, and obviously kept your distance from him. you felt an arm wrap around your waist. you looked and saw mikey biting his lip, and he rested his hand on your thigh.

you tried to get out of the booth frantically. bryce helped keep you in the booth by holding your wrist on the table. brennen and colby stood up worriedly as they were looking for you.

"let me go mikey!" you screamed.


"let me go mikey!" i heard her scream. i jumped and ran around, seeing mikey holding her down. i grabbed bryce's hand and pushed him down while brennen grabbed y/n from mikey.

i looked at mikey and all my rage just came out of me. i punched him as hard as i could in the jaw. i grabbed y/n and ran outside with her, she was crying.


you had tears streaming down your face and colby held you tight. you cried into his chest and he looked down at you, pulling your chin up so he could look at you.

his eyes softened and he rubbed his thumb gently against your bottom lip, making you shy. you turned away and looked down.

"y/n..look at me please.." you slowly and shyly looked up at him, meeting his blue eyes with yours.

"you win, colby...i never wanted mikey like you think i did, i've always wanted you.." you sighed, thinking he didn't feel the same.

a smile crept onto his face and he looked at you, pure love in his eyes. he leaned down, and was about to kiss you, his lips brushing against yours.

you pulled away and looked down, afraid. after what just happened, you don't know what he could do. he grabbed your hand and brought you to his car.

"no no...colby let me go.." your heart beat started to race and your voice cracked, making him turn towards you.

"baby don't be afraid, look into my eyes...i'm not mikey, and i will never be him. just come with me, i'll help you forget." you stared into his eyes and smiled a little, suddenly feeling safe.

you got into his car as he drove, all the way to his place. he was texting brennen that he would call him later. you just looked out the window, imagining what could of been if they weren't there to help you.

you suddenly felt a gentle squeeze on your thigh, knocking you out of your trance. you looked at him and he nodded to you, leading you to his apartment.

colby brought you inside, giving you a tight hug as soon as the door closed behind you. "god i love you y/n.." you heard him whisper.

you looked up at him, and he leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. of course you kissed back, how could you not? this was the boy you loved.

you pulled away, "never leave me colby...please.." you begged, desperately wanting to be his. he cupped your cheeks in his hands, and you opened your eyes.

"you're mine baby...and it's my job to love you forever." he smiled and kissed you again, leaving you feeling afloat in his arms, and touch.

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