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we've been in this stupid ass box for about three hours now. kian and jc had this great idea to stick you, and 6 other girls in with you. gladly you were all good friends or else it would've been pure hell.

suddenly, they started to duck tape the holes again. this is what you were nervous for, you don't do well with small spaces, after a long time.

you heard a car horn beep as a car was being locked. you looked up and saw your boyfriend and your best friend. "COLBY! SAMMY!" you yelled as you rushed to the front of the box, wiping it clear of the sweat so they could see you and you could see them.

"hey baby, how are you doing in there?" colby asked as he put his hands up to this glass. "good, but now i want a kiss." you said and pouted your lip.

"who said you couldn't have one?" colby pressed his lips to the glass and closed his eyes. you smiled and kissed your side of the glass, no caring that it was still damp and closed your eyes.

"that's true love right there. get yourself a relationship like theirs." kian said into the camera and colby giggled as you both pulled away. you and colby looked into each other's eyes for a second before he spoke again,

"baby finish your challenge. i'll be waiting right back here for you, okay?" you nodded and went back to your previous spot that you had chosen in the beginning.

soon enough it was five hours in, and the heat was getting to you. you started to feel your heart rate speed up, and you knew that your breathing increased as well. the other girls didn't notice at first, because they were breathing hard themselves.

soon enough you started to look around a little frantically, and only tara noticed. she didn't realize what was happening yet, and thoughts flooded your mind.

your breathing drastically increased and tears stung your eyes. you hurried to the front of the box and started banging on it, yelling for them to let you out.

"kian let me out! i'm gonna pass out!" they just shook their head. colby and sam were a distance away so they didn't hear your frantic cries for help.

"nice try, y/n. gabbie already pulled that one on us." you just shook your head and looked at tara. her eyes widened once she noticed the face you had and the tears down your face.

"oh my god.. COLBY HURRY GET OVER HERE!" tara screamed as she held your shoulders. your breathing was turned to wheezes. you heard fast feet as you started to black out a little.

"JC LET HER OUT!" colby screamed at them. sam was running a hand through his hair and he was freaking out as well. "HURRY!" you heard sam scream.

"no y/n stay with me! come on, you can do it," tara said to try and help you stay more conscious. you shook your head and started to go limp, by now tara was crying a little. "COLBY SHE NEEDS OUT NOW I'M LOSING HER."

you slowly started to fall out of tara's arms as she was smaller than you. you heard the faint sound of the drill, before you had arms around you. you had your mouth opened as your eyes were closed.

"y/n, baby." colby said as he tried to get you awake. he gently shook you and your eyes fluttered opened a bit as you were still gasping for air. colby's eyes lit up a little when your eyes opened.

"c-c-colby..." you trailed off, trying so hard to breathe. he grabbed the water from tara and he looked at you, handing the little bottle to you. you quickly opened it and chugged it down.

"that's good baby." he took the water from you and you looked at him, still wheezing drastically. you shook your head as you felt lightheaded again, looking down.

"y/n, look at me." he lifted your chin and looked into your eyes. "focus on me, okay? breathe with me baby, in and out, in and out." you nodded and followed his breathing movements.

you started to calm down and colby nodded, telling you that you were doing great. you soon enough calmed down completely and pulled colby into a tight hug, tears still absentmindedly falling from your eyes.

"good job baby, i knew you could do it." he rubbed circles on your sweaty back. you tried to pull away so you wouldn't make him reek like you were. you were pulled back into his chest.

"colby, i reek. i don't want you to smell bad cuz you're hugging me." he just shook his head at your statement. "i don't care. as long as you're okay, that's all i care about." you blushed and snuggled in closer to him.

"i love you baby, i will always keep you safe. you know that right?" you blushed more and scooted to be on his lap. "i love you too, thank you for being there for me. you're the best boyfriend ever." colby pulled back and pulled you into a loving, soft kiss.

you kissed back and heard applause, causing you to pull away. you looked around and saw everyone in awe. you giggled a little and looked at colby, just to see him already looking at you.

"even sweating and post panic attack, you're still perfect." you hit his chest because your cheeks turned as red as a stoplight. you covered your face only to have everyone swoon at the sight.

"SHUT UP YOU BASTARDS!" you yelled, causing everyone to start laughing. you just slowly whispered to colby, "wanna go inside and cuddle?" he nodded and took something from sam as he came back from the car.

you smiled seeing your favorite sweatshirt of colby's and his favorite joggers. he smiled at you and carried you inside while you held onto him like a koala holding onto a tree branch.

"NOT IN OUR HOUSE SEX FREAKS." kian screamed causing you to flip him off. "we're going to cuddle, would you like to object dumb and dumber?" you asked, looking between him and jc.

they put their hands up in defense and turned around, continuing the video. colby sat you down in the living room and turned around so you could change. you changed and decided to leave only the joggers on because it was hot and you put your hair up in a messy bun.

"you can turn around now," you said softly. he turned around and his eyes slightly widened, not expecting to see you in your lacy bra-lette and just joggers.

he smiled nonetheless and turned the tv on, immediately going to the vampire diaries and continuing from season 3, where you two had left off. you cuddled up to his chest and he kissed your forehead, going to kiss your neck gently and to behind your ear.

it gave you butterflies and you covered your face a little as you quietly giggled from the tingly feeling you got. he chuckled against your skin before kissing your lips and then watching the show with you, cuddled up close to each other as if you let go you would lose each other forever.

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