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you knocked on the door to sam and colby's backstage room. colby opened it and his eyes lit up when he saw you. you hugged him tightly, and he kissed your cheek. "oh my god, baby! what are you doing here?" he asked you with his million dollar smile on his face. "i came to support you, silly!" you replied happily.

sam walked over and hugged you. "hi sam!" you said excitedly as he replied, "hey! so good to see you here!" you nodded as you pulled away and colby closed the door as you fully walked into the room. "have you met the VIP's yet?" you asked, and colby shook his head yes. "perfect." you winked, and it caused him to smirk.

you walked into his dressing room, and he followed behind you. he lifted his shirt over his head and handed it to you. "can you put that in my bag please?" he asked you and you folded it neatly into his suitcase. "i hate the fact that i have to pretend i'm like every other fan." you voiced, and colby turned to you, putting the shirt he was going to put down for a second so he could grab your upper arms.

"i know sweetheart, but it's just not time yet. trust me, i want the world to know you're mine, i'm just afraid they'll attack you." you looked into his eyes, and smiled to show him you understood. he leaned in, and placed his soft lips upon yours. you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. sam opened the door, purposely interrupting you both. "colby, we have 10 minutes, get ready to go on stage."

he left the room, and you pouted as colby slipped the shirt over his head. he sprayed your favorite cologne of his on his neck and chest, before you grabbed his fingertips. you gently played with them, "i don't want to sit in the crowd for an hour, i wanna be up there with you." you said to him, and he kissed your nose. "i know, soon enough y/n/n. i promise." he kissed you passionately before walking out of the dressing room with sam.

their manager got you into the crowd unnoticed, and you went to your place in the front. "ladies and gentlemen, give it up for sam and colby, reed deming, devin hayes, the merrell twins, and the vlog squad!" you cheered loudly as you saw your boy run onto stage happily. he took off his jacket, and threw it at you before winking subtly. you blushed and threw it on you, smiling at the warmth and scent of him.

the fans started talking to you excitedly, and asking about the jacket. you were giggling happily as they talked to you like you were a regular person. soon enough, it was time for the meet n greet on stage. you lined up, and saw countless girls before you get stage kisses and tight hugs from colby. butterflies erupted in your stomach, as you were next, and praying colby shows a sign that he loves you to the people when you go up there.

you walked up, and instantly his hands flew around your waist. "what pose do you want, pretty lady?" you looked down and thought for a second, before responding. "a stage kiss." you looked into his eyes, and yours twinkled. he nodded and put his thumbs on your lips as you puckered them. he leaned in a little slower than usual, and he looked at the line of girls and then to the crowd. "screw it." he said and moved his thumbs and smashed his lips onto yours.

the crowd gasped, some happily, confusedly, and in an upset manner. sam's eyes were wide, before he started smiling big out of happiness for you two. colby's hands flew back around your waist as he pulled you closer. you pulled away as he turned his head. he grabbed the mic from sam, "guys. there's a little something i have to tell you." he started out, and looked at you. your eyes gleamed with hope as you knew what he was going to announce.

"meet y/n. my girlfriend." he finished, and the crowd went wild, as did the girls in line. you smiled happily as he looked down at you with his cheeky smile on his face. he got lost in your eyes, and his hand fell to his side, causing sam to take the mic away before he dropped it. "thank you colby, i love you so much." you exclaimed, and everyone awed. "anything for my baby, i love you to the moon and back." he sealed his words with one final kiss, before letting you exit the stage.

the girls you were talking with before met you at the bottom, and their eyes were wide as hell. they squealed when you got to them and hugged you tight. "you are sooo lucky! i'm so happy for you and colby!" "yea, you guys are the cutest!" "i'm happy colby found someone like you, you both deserve this." all the compliments came in like a rainbow crashing the rain party. you giggled and blushed, "thanks guys. have my number." you gave them your phone number so you can stay in further touch.

after the show, and colby explaining how you met and got together two years ago, you ran backstage. you opened their door and jumped onto his back, as his hands flew to under your thighs hurriedly in shock. you nestled your face into his neck, "thank you, thank you, thank you!" you said happily. he chuckled and put you down. "of course babylove." you kissed him again, and heard the crowd screaming for an encore.

"gotta go!" he said and rushed out, and the crowd screamed in excitement at the sight of them on stage again. you laughed as you saw his legs taking him there as fast as they could go, and you just thought to yourself, that's my boy.

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