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"daddy..i-i'm sorry.." you said, tears running down your face. your dad came home, drunk. just like always. and he had to take it out on you ever since your mom left.

"i told you not to eat until i got home you little bitch!" he slapped you across the face. you gasped at the impact, it left your face searing with a stinging pain.

"you're a whore just like your mother was." he growled at you then went downstairs into the basement and crashed on the couch.

you ran upstairs and packed everything, rushing as you did so. you kept whimpering as the memories kept flooding your mind. you grabbed your phone and backpack, which had all of your outfits in it. your dad didn't let you own much, so you just had what you had.

you left. just like that. you didn't turn back as you were running. it was the early morning, and you got on the bus and sat next to an inviting individual.

"hello sweetheart." the woman said as you looked at her, hair a mess and tears in your eyes. you just shakily breathed as you slightly smiled at her.

"h-hi.." that was about all you could get out before a tear fell down your cheek. her face turned to one of worrisome.

"you alright, sweetie?" she pat your knee as you shook your head and silently broke down in front of her. she pulled you into a loving hug and all you did was cry into her shoulder.

"m-my dad is a m-m-monster..." you slowly stuttered out as she looked down at you in sorrow. she just rubbed your back as you retreated out of her comforting embrace.

"it's all gonna be okay sweetheart. i promise you. where are you headed?" she asked kindly. all you did was shrug, you didn't have an answer to that question.

"i don't know, most likely to a hotel. i have some money for a couple nights." she just smiled softly and nodded her head as the bus came to a stop in downtown LA.

"bye, thank you for the comfort." she smiled a full smile and waved goodbye to you. you slowly walked off and found a comfy corner near the street where no one was around.

you sat down and pulled out your phone, seeing a lot of missed calls from your friends, aunts and uncles, and messages upon messages from your father.

from dad:
get home you little bitch!

from dad:
once i find you, you're surely dead!

from dad:
i never loved you, nor did your mom. you're just a mistake.

you couldn't ready any further. you put your phone back into your sweatshirt pocket and curled your knees to your chest. you put your face in your knees and broke down sobbing.

you were crying your eyes out. and it was only around seven in the morning, so you set up camp and soon enough, fell asleep.

~time skip~

you woke up around 20 minutes ago. it was now 3:15 and warm outside. you were just sitting on your phone, watching a little YouTube when you heard voices.

"sam do you think somewhere around here would be good to do the intro?" you heard a deeper voice say.

"yeah, that sounds great. let me get the masks and tripod set up and then we'll get on with it." a higher pitched voice now said.

you paused your video and looked over, seeing two guys around your age. you kind of had your arm covering half of your face, as you were still red and puffy from crying so hard. a pair of blue eyes met with yours and you saw the brunette furrow his eyebrows.

colby brock imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now