Chapter 7

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Melon's POV

That was a nightmare, our flight to our hotel we were staying at got cancelled for 5 hours, what the hell do you do in an airport for 5 hours. I tried sleeping and eating my weight in Burger King but that only took up like 2 hours?

When we finally got off the god damn plane they lost our suitcases, I swear me and Liz must have the worst of luck because it took them almost another 2 hours to find them but we are now finally in the hotel and we have a double bed each which is amazing.

I flopped onto my bed and let out a loud sigh, I was so drained after the long day of travelling and just wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes and felt myself slowly start to drift off until I felt my bed dip.

I opened one eye to see my sister looking at me with a big smile on her face. I think she must have had at least 4 cans of Monster and 6 coffee's whilst in the airport causing a very big caffeine high.

"Let's go explore" Lizzie said jumping up and down on my bed.

I let out a groan, grabbing my phone from the side table that was in-between our beds to look at the time.

"Liz it's almost 11pm I want to sleeeeeeeeep" I said in a whiny voice.

"Fine I'll go myself, I'm wide awake and bored" she said as she let out a loud huff and started to stomp towards the room door.

I let out a loud groan before getting up and rolling my eyes "Fine I'll come, we might as well vlog a little before we get busy tomorrow with the after party and such"

A big smile appeared on her face as she tackled me on my bed knocking all the wind out of me. I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was.As we both got up I quickly looked through my bag to get out my small vlogging camera so we could get started on the small vlog video we had planned for the weekend to come. 

*Small time skip*

We started to make our way down the long halls, laughing and making small talk towards the camera as we walked. We were staying on the 7th floor which wasn't too high up so we decided to take the stairs. 

As we started to make our way down the 4th floor i swear i could hear two male voices but i couldn't put my finger on where they were coming from. 

I tried to ignore them and continued walking my sister following behind, I was so lost talking to the camera I didn't hear my sister shout out my name as I walked right into someone. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry"  I said so quickly you probably couldn't understand what I was saying. I looked at the ground embarrassed at what just happened but all of a sudden I heard that voice again that sounded way to familiar. 

"Oh don't worry about it" the male voice said with a laugh, I could hear that he was smiling. 

I slowly looked up working from his shoes up and when I got to his face I couldn't help but in complete shock. 

"S...Sam Golbach?" my stutter coming out way to strong causing him to giggle again. I looked to his side to see Colby standing beside him with a big smile on his face. I quickly turned around to see Lizzie was smiling too but all I could do was still stand in complete shock to what was happening. 

"The one and only" he said with a big grin. I couldn't help but melt when looking at his smile. His big blue eyes were beautiful and was it me or did he look hotter in person.  He looked straight into my eyes before turning to Colby which Colby to as a signal to start speaking. 

"Lizzie and Melon right?" he asked but then gave a look like he was mentally punching himself for asking such a stupid question.

"That's me...I mean us"  I stuttered again, I wanted to  jump off a cliff because of how nervous and silly I sounded, I must have sounded like a silly little fan girl but I looked up when I heard a small laugh. Sam was looking at me causing a small blush to apart on my cheeks. I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands and covered my face with my hands, only then noticing that both my hands were free. I must have dropped my camera when I walked into Sam. 

He saw me look down at the ground spotting the camera close to his feet. He bent down and picked it up before passing it back to me. 

"It's nice finally meeting the female us" my blush must have grown 10 shades darker because he giggled when he looked back at my face. 

I took a deep breath not wanting to embarrass myself anymore by saying something stupid like how god damn attractive he was but before I could say anything else I heard Lizzie speak from behind me. 

"I'm sorry but I have two things to say, one I can't believe you guys are standing here right now and two damn you two are hotter in real life!"  I couldn't help but to burst out laughing at my sisters comment. She was always so straight forward compered to me, that's one of the things I look up to her for. 

Colby's face turned red and I couldn't help but mentally aww at him.  Maybe it was Lizzie's lucky day because it seemed like her crush had a small crush on her too.  I couldn't help but let a small yawn leave my mouth as sleep started to creep up on me after the hours of travelling. 

"Oh you must be tired, you should probably get some rest" Sam said in a soft tone almost quite like he was trying not to wake me up even though I was awake just really tired. 

 I nodded then looked at Lizzie who was looking at Colby. They were both giving each other deep eye contact. I gave her a small nudge snapping her out of her trance. 

"Oh yeah we should probably go to bed but it was amazing meeting you both" she said with a big smile on her face.   

"You too, you should both come to the party tomorrow, would be great seeing you both again and a bit more awake" Colby laughed. 

Lizzie looked like she was about to melt just by hearing his voice, she nodded before we turned around and started to make our way back to our hotel room. Half way down the hall it hit me I didn't even say bye or anything because of how tired I was. 

I turned around to see them both walking down the hall but Sam all of a sudden turned around almost like he would hear my thoughts. I smiled at him probably looking like a idiot because of how sleepy I was but he softly smiled back before they turned the corner out of view. 

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