Chapter 15

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Melons' POV 

I woke up my head spinning, why did i drink so much last night? 

I slowly sat up looking around the room i was in. I quickly realised i wasn't in my room and in fact in someone else's causing panic to fill my body. I continued to look around the room seeing my dress on the floor beside my shoes and someone else's clothes. 

"Fuck" i quietly said to myself, i was in someone else's bed...naked, what the fuck did Lizzie let me do?

I stood up from the bed and found a large t-shirt lying on the ground. I picked it up and quickly put it on so i was covered. I slowly walked towards the mirror that was on the wall and looked at myself. I had marks and bruise's all over my legs and neck, hand prints on my thighs. 

I got snapped out of thought when i heard the bathroom door click open, i closed my eyes and stood still taking deep breaths to try calm myself down from the panic attack i could feel slowly coming over me. 

I felt two arms snake around my waist then a soft kiss get placed on my neck. I opened my eyes to see Branden looked at me through the mirror smiling. 

"Morning beautiful" he said in a husky morning voice. 

Memories of last night came rushing back to me and i smiled at him, his words causing me to blush. I never really looked at him as my type but he was honestly so sweet i couldn't help but melt at his words.

"How's my amazing girlfriend?" he asked kissing my neck softly again. 

I almost chocked at his words, did he just say girlfriend? 

"I'm...good" i said in a confused, questioning tone. I can't believe i agreed to go out with Branden. Don't get me wrong he is a good looking guy but he really wasn't my type and i wasn't ready to date someone. 

"How about my little slut gets dressed and we can head to the con together so i can show you off?" he said moving his arms to my hips and gripping them causing a whimper to leave my mouth.  I cringed at the name 'slut' my ex would call me that all the time but of course Branden didn't know that so i just smiled and nodded moving away from him and grabbing my dress. 

I was about to get dress into my clothes that i was wearing last night but i felt a hand grab my wrist causing me to jump. 

I looked up at him his grip around my wrist getting a little to tight for my liking. 

"I was going to go get clean clothes" i muttered , to nervous to speak any louder. Lizzie was the one that did all the talking. It might not seem it in our videos but she was the one that was out going when i was normally quite quiet, even more so after everything with my ex. 

"Colby know's we slept together, him and your sister are just heading there so clothes doesn't matter, plus that little red dress is so easy to take off" he said whispering the last part against my ear causing a chill to run up my spine. 

I was in shock that i just told Colby we slept together, i liked keeping my sexual life private, some things Lizzie not even knowing. I nodded not really knowing what to say so i got dressed in my clothes i wore last night and cleaned my face so i didn't have make up down my face. 

I turned around seeing he was fully dressed. I gave him a sheepish smile and watched as he slowly walked towards me. I backed up till my back hit the wall causing a small scream to leave my mouth causing him to smirk. 

He grabbed my neck pinning me to the wall causing a whimper to leave my lips. I could feel myself shaking under his grip looking deep into his eyes. 

He moved his hand to my hair gripping my head back causing another whimper to leave my mouth, i could feel my breathing getting quicker. I felt his lips touch my neck and then his teeth roughly bite into my neck causing a scream to leave my lips, he started to aggressively suck on my neck till the point it wasn't even pleasureful and was painful i wanted to ask him to stop but i couldn't.   

He soon pulled away from my neck smiling at his work, i clocked myself in the mirror and my neck was red and purple and there was even a little bit of blood. I was shocked, i never had a hickey so bad before not even my ex made hickeys bleed.

He soon grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the hotel room and down the hall towards the lift causing me to trip and stumble a couple of times. 

*Skip travelling to the venue*  

We arrived at the Con and he did not let go of my wrist until his phone started to ring. 

He walked away on the phone and i heard him say Colby's name which made my thoughts fall to Sam and last night. I really hope he was okay he looked so broken and then he said he didn't feel well, i hope he hasn't been sick and can't make the Con. 

My thoughts were broken by a hand harshly grabbing my wrist and pulling me causing me to fall to the ground. 

"You idiot get the fuck up" Branden spat at me causing me to flinch, his voice harsh. This was not the Branden i met last night. 

I quickly got back up to my feet and he started to grab me about the Con, people giving us weird looks as he did so but i said nothing. 

I soon clocked Sam and Colby's table and watched as they spoke to fans, Lizzie standing close beside Colby wearing which i can only guess one of his 'Take Chances'  hoodie's which caused me to smile, they would be such a cute couple.

 I felt a hard slap on the back of my head causing me to snap my attention back to Branden. I was about to speak up but i quickly snapped my head back when i heard screams. 

Sam was on the floor passed out, Colby was beside him and my sister was shouting for someone to help them. I was about to run over but i felt Branden grab my wrist. 

"Let me go, Sam's hurt" was all i got out before i felt a hand slap across my face. 

I felt my eyes water as i looked at him lost for words. He dragged me away , all i could do was look back as Sam still on the floor and cry quite tears. 

We made it back to his hotel room and he throw me onto his bed causing me to hit my head on the bed frame and whimper in pain. 

"Slut, looking at Sam" he slapped me across the face, what was happening right now?

"He was out cold, i was...." i was interrupted by another slap to the face. 

"Don't talk back to me bitch" he screamed in my face causing me to flinch in fear. All i wanted was my sister right now. Why was this happening to me. I looked on the floor and clocked my phone, i wanted to call Lizzie or Colby to see if Sam as okay. 

Branden looked at the floor and picked up my phone putting it in his pocket. 

"I'm going back to the Con you can stay here and i'll finish with you later" he said walking towards the door and slamming it shut, i heard it lock from the outside meaning i was trapped. 

I let out a loud sigh and looked out the window watching him leave the hotel and walk towards the venue. I looked at the mirror and my face was already starting to bruise, i couldn't help but let some silent tears run down my face. 

What did i do so wrong for this to happen ? 

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